Discussion Forum Rules
12 years & 6 days ago
6th Jan 2013 16:34 Before using the Discussion Forum, please be aware that the content of this forum includes sensitive subjects and people's personal opinions on them. Some of these subjects or opinions may be offensive to some people. If you are sensitive or easily offended, you may want to consider using another forum instead. Please do not report topics or posts in this forum that you find offensive if they do not break the Discussion Forum rules.
Opinions may be stated on any discussion topic but are to be kept mild and polite, and you are only to state your own opinion and not criticise anyone else's. If you wish to have strong and/or criticising opinions stated on your board, begin its title with the "Debate://" tag. Debate topics may contain strong opinions as long as they are about the topic at hand and not targeting members, whether individually or as a group. You may tell someone else on a debate topic why you disagree with their opinion, but you may not insult the person for having it. If you do not want to have your opinion criticised or see people disagreeing with each other, possibly strongly, please avoid debate topics.
As long as you state your opinion politely and do not make insulting remarks to or about other members, most topics may be discussed including politics, religion, racism, sexism, homophobia, other discrimination, abuse and current issues. This is only to discuss these issues, not participate in them. You will still be punished if you discriminate against other members for any reason or make posts that are purely inflammatory and not to start a civil discussion.
Drugs, alcohol and crime may be discussed, but no references to personal experiences, names or other identifying information about individuals you may know may be mentioned. If you were to admit on this forum to committing a crime, this information could be used against you in a court of law. Encouraging anyone to break the law is absolutely forbidden and will be strictly punished.
Personal experiences are not to be discussed on forums if they are sexual, graphic or otherwise extremely disturbing in nature.
Be very careful when discussing anything that may relate to your personal life or where you live, as it is easy to give identifying information about yourself. Marapets staff cannot protect you outside of Marapets.