Message to Sam
12 years & 20 days ago
6th Dec 2012 19:40 You, Sam Way, are absolutely positively beautiful and amazing in every way shape and form nomatter what anyone else says. Ignore everyone else. I'm here to set you straight Sam. You are absolutely beautiful. Others may not think so, but that's because they are rude and arrogant. I think you are amazing in every way. You are beautiful and so is every single person on this earth. Everyone will find someone to tell them how beautiful they are, no matter how long it takes. And don't ever forget that Sam. Don't let ANYONE make you think differently. ???Always believe in yourself.??? ???Everyone should love themselves.??? ???You can do amazing things when you believe.??????We???re saying it???s okay to be messed up.??? ???Don???t do anything to try to fit in.??? If its only me, that's inevitable, but I will ALWAYS fight for you.