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If you are waiting for a reply from me please see my info to see how soon to bug me xD Couldn't bear to take down my little profile I've had for years but its getting out dated.I still give kudos to anyone who reads my info. Im over 30 now and have 3 wonderful children who often keep me busy. I'm not always on, though i log on frequently, but when I am I always try to reply quickly, however, sometimes my kids will pull me away after I read a mail and I may not be able to reply right away because of it. If I dont answer after reading it within 24 hours feel free to mail again. If I did not read please consider that I may not have gotten on and give me a little more time or if you could let me know if you find what you're looking for so I can reply accordingly. If you offer on my lot or mm an offer, if I am on/read the mail and dont answer, it is not a no, I am concidering or busy, please be patient and dont withdraw. Thank you

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years & 5 months ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
Roleplay log
11 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
28th Nov 2012 13:15

Tristen smiled as he finished his elaborate breakfast wiping his mouth with a napkin and freezing the waiters feet in place. "I'm not finished with you." The waiter rolled his eyes.
"What else can I do for you sir?" the waiter had a French like accent.
"Your service is crap, and I dont like you." Tristen then froze up to his neck. "I especially don't like your accent." He stood up on the table and reached into the waiters mouth before he could speak again. He grabbed the man's tongue and pulled it. The man struggled in writhing pain. Tristen put his thumb down on the gag reflex on the waiters tongue and pulled harder. The entire place had been in shock as the young sadist smirked at the man gagging and in agony in front of him, not to mention his body numbing from the ice incesement.
"Plea..sop," The man tried to cry out coughing and his eyes started to water. Tristen smiled and continued to pull.
"Thats it, beg! Beg like a dog! Ha ha ha!" He then encased the mans tongue in ice and broke it off. The man paniced while the boy pulled on what remained of his tongue and laughed in his face. "Yes! Yes! YES! Ha ha!" He then let go and turned to face his audience. The cashire hid behide the counter, some people under there tables. "I think I'll let him rot," he hissed. He stared coldly into each persons eyes who dared to look back and smiled sinisterly. Some people turned away, others were too shocked to move. The boy then walked out leaving the man there, frozen but taking his tongue, almost like a trophy. Tristen could not be happier. As he left a few workers tended to their frozen friend. He looked back and laughed at the workers. He then turned and began to walk poudly with his hands lightly swaying by his side.


Jason's hair was now down and drenched and so was the rest of him. He shapeshifted and shook like dogs and cats do to dry off and stood up and brushed his human self of what was left of the water. He licked his lips to slip his fang into his mouth and looked around him. As he looked back to his home he saw the clouds had already cleared and he just shook his head in discust. "Go figure," He said as he pushed back his hair attempting to spike it back up with the water. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to walk. As he did a spike of hair fell in front of him dripping wet and his face fell into an upset appearence. He was frustraited but stopped caring after walking a block or two. He stopped in front of a store window and looked inside, stairing at the trinkets that lie out in the sill. One of them was a stuffed bear sitting next to flowers. He examined it, then decided it was not worth the money. He shook his head and looked down to his shoes and began to walk again. He was heading toward his mothers house, but had another errand to run. As he looked back up his eyes crossed with another man's, who oddly looked a lot like his father. It sent a shiver down his spine. His father left years ago, there was no way he would be here now. Granted the appearence was only a coinidence it sill scared the Hell out of him. When he saw the face he began to run while the vivid memories of beatings ran through his head, so vivid he did not see the bump in the curb ahead of him. The rubber on his shoe cought the curb and he barrel rolled to avoid a hard hit. He had gotten a few scratches but the healed almost immediately. Jason stood up to brush himself off, not realising that he was in the middle of the street, and not hearing the car coming up behind him. Though the driver slammed on the brakes it had been too late. The car hit Jason and he was tossed over the hood, rolling over the car and off the trunk. He landed head first, his scull cracking and visible though the torn skin. The hit caused a number of bruises and deep cuts and what looked like it would proove to be brain damage. To many a surprize, he stood up and again brushed himself off. "Hey man shouldn't you be, you know, still? Until the Medics show up?" The driver called out in consern.
"I'll be alright," Jason said with confidence as his wounds already began to heal. The only thing left was his head. "Aw man, now Im going to have a head ache for a week."
"I think you've got more to worry about than tha.." The driver stopped as he looked back to see Jason walking off and his skull healing and not another scratch on him. "Forget it!" Jason called back, "I'll be fine." Jason waved as he walked then put his hand back into his pocket. He decided to take a new route, so his wounds would heal before he got there.


Gilmore finally got the the park and kneeled on the concrete walk way, reaching under a bench that no one had sat in for years. She brushed some dirt and leaves away under the bench and picks up an old dirty book. She opened it up and papers and stickers fell out. It was a scrap book her and her mother had made. She ignored the paper scraps that blew away in the breeze and looked at the pictures inside. She flipped through the pages, trying not to cry. She then came across a picture of the three of them. They were all smiling, probably laughing, with a Christmas tree and a Jack-o-Lantern in the background. It was taken around her favorite time of year, Thanksgiving. Around this time was when they would change decorations from Halloween to Christmas. That year they fooled around with a camera because all the years before were very enjoyable. Each of her parents telling stories about old decorations, and Gilmore making up her own. Each of them getting a good laugh. She folded her legs and sat on the ground putting the book in her lap. She could almost hear her mother and father laughing over some lame argument about keeping up the pumpkins through Christmas and putting up the Tree before Halloween.
She sighed and gently lifted the picture out of the book, blowing off the dirt. She smiled and folded it, putting it into her pocket. She then continued looking through. Her memories all rising in her mind. She chucked at the memories of them on vacation, her mother buying a bunch of stuff and her father trying to sell it at a flee market before they left for home. The two of them arguing over what to keep. She found the picture of the three of them toasting on a New Years Day, smiling with hope in their eyes, each or them with a tall glass of champain raising them high. She lifted that picture as well and folded it putting it into the same pocket. Though smiling her eyes did water a little as she closed the book and held it close to her. She kissed the plush-like cover softly and whispered "I love you Mom, I love you Dad." She pressed it against her chest, hugging it then laid it back under the bench covering it with the leaves again.
She then stood up and reached into one of her pockets and pulled out her key chain hooking it on to the chain closest to her waist. She then began to walk, smiling and wiping her tears once. She then reached into another pocket and pulled out her YuGiOh! Deck and began sorting through it. While she did so, she stopped dead in her tracts as she recived a vision, meeting someone new, and a strange someone, this person did not acknoledge her at first, but when she goes to smile at him, he only seems angry with her and appears to plot something. Shortly after she feels powerless. When it ends she begins walking again.



The morning rays of sunlight lightly touched Afia's fair skin as she stepped outside and closed the door behind her. Her white dress flowed gently at her knees as the early breeze swept gently into the town, the soft beams of light shining in her goldenrod eyes, bringing the colours to life.

She wore white converse on her feet, knowing Marcus didn't exactly like it when she went out wandering with her feet bare. It was mainly because he cared deeply for her health and didn't want her catching the cold just because she didn't feel like wearing shoes. She figured that she'd be best treading to the park to make a new daisy chain. Maybe she'll see her older brother around. Marcus had told her that he hadn't come in at all last night. Riley seemed to have a place of his own, so chances are he could of spent the night there. She just wanted to speak to him. She never got to. Either he was never close by or she was too shy to even speak to him. That's right. She got shy around her own brother, knowing that he would always have better things to do.

Afia just walked through the town, keeping her honey coloured eyes on her feet as they moved against the pavement. It was quite early in the morning. She knew not many people would be out and about, but that was a good thing, wasn't it? It meant that the park wouldn't be as busy. It might have a few dog walkers wanting to get the walks out of the way before the place would become packed with children that would flood the area after school hours. Usually they also walked their dogs during the evening before it got dark out to avoid any drunken teenagers who seemed to own the park during those hours of night.

Afia remembered she was taking a walk through the park and bumped into one of the human gangs who were oblivious to the fact that Gifted lived on their grounds. She had no idea why they decided to look down at her. Maybe they were in need of some amusement. Even though her close friend Akio had stepped in for her when they tried to harm her, she still wished her older brother would of been there. But he wasn't. Afia was always relaxed with Akio. He seemed to be the complete opposite of her though. She was shy. Timid. Reserved whereas on the other hand, Akio Osaka was loud, hyperactive and he did have a short fuse. Say something out of place and he'd most likely swing for your jaw. Try and hurt his friends and he'd most likely want to mount your head on his wall. Akio was a nice guy at heart. Some people just failed to accept him, seeing that he was nothing but annoying to most people.

Afia entered the park, walking through the gates. The smell of freshly cut grass and dew filled her sensitive nose, a small smile appearing on her face as her golden locks flowed out gently around her. Her feet was light against the path as she made her way through the park, enjoying the calm morning, smiling gently at most people who walked by her and wished her a good morning.

It was then when she stopped at the sight of a spikey haired figure who seemed to be sitting atop a tree's branch, a small smile coming to Afia's lips.

She knew that spikey hair anywhere.




Gilmore tried to smile at the people she passed. The park was not busy when she got there and was only a little more so now. After walking aways throughout the park, she sat on a park bench a distance from the one with her scrap book under it. Her head fell into her hands and she rubbed her temple as though she had a head ache. Maybe the valdka had been too much, or maybe it was the flood of memories. She picked up her head and propped her elbows on her knees and dropped her chin into her hands. She watched as a highly dressed boy with a prideful step walked into the park, the one from her vision. Her hands fell between her legs, she was curious as to why she felt so powerless in this vision of hers. She glanced around the park to be sure no one else was in harms way, she saw a girl walking up to someone in a tree in the distance but figured they had been far enough away. She decided to provoke the young man by offering him a friendly smile.

Tristen walked into the park and used his blood red eyes and gifted sight to find the path with the least amout of people, to avoid as much contact as he could. He saw a path with two people and a path with one person, he chose the path with one, expecting that one person to ignore him as he walked past. As he approached the park bench, he saw a smile peek, directed at him. Tristen would not have it. He froze her up in ice and cackled. "Fool! Don't you dare smile a- What the Hell?"

Gilmore was facinated by the ice incasement but not held down by it, she quickly created a fire to easily thaw and melt herself out. "Well who do you think you are, telling me who to and who not to smile at?"

Tristen expressed discust in his anger. "Don't you know who I am?! You should be happy you get the opprotunity to meet me!"

"Really because to me you just sound like a brat!"

Tristen was appalled. "How dare you! You piece of garbage! No one calls me a brat and gets away with it!" Tristen was irritated a Gilmore was feeding on it. He froze her hands and feet, but Gilmore, more prepared now, started the defrosting on contact with the ice. Her shimmering silver eyes examined her over-dressed opponant. "I'll give you a brat! You trash heap!"

Gilmore had become angered as well and the two began trading blows. Gilmore leaving nothing but scuffs and burns on his clothes as he got the flames out before it penitraited and he tried to avoid it to keep his clothes nice. "You obnoxious twit, your burning my clothes." Tristen could not land a single blow, as Gilmore kept melting them, leaving Gilmore with no more than splashes.


Afia stopped in front of the tree as soon as her auburn haired boy slid down from the high branch, landing in front of the golden haired girl. A bright smiled appeared on her face as she watched Akio dust off his bare knees before straightening up, matching Afia's smile.
"Long time no see!" he laughed gently, bringing one hand at the back of his head to scratch at it, his amber coloured eyes shining with happiness.

Akio was a very simple boy through personality, though, his personality was a little more complexed. He had auburn hair that was styled in windswept spikes along with matching amber eyes, freckles dusting the bridge of his nose. He seemed to have a friendly, yet cheeky look to his face, Akio simply wearing a black t-shirt with a dark blue hoodie over it. His sleeves were pushed up to his elbows and he wore denim shorts, his feet left bare.

Unlike Afia, he didn't have anyone at home to tell him what to do.

"I...I know," Afia smiled shyly as she placed a lock of hair behind her ear, a small and gentle smile on her face as she let her eyes slip down to look at Akio's feet, unable to hold the eye contact with him. She didn't know why...but she could never hold eye contact with people, no matter how much she tried. She couldn't even hold it with Marcus. Not even Riley. "It's just that me and doctor Marcus have to make sure that Riley's safe and out of harm, that's all," she then smiled, now looking back up at Akio, meeting his friendly eyes.

"The things you do for that guy," Akio then spoke, his smile still visible but it had shrunk a little as he placed his hands into the pockets of his shorts, his eyes averting to look down the path were he saw a well dressed male beggining to pass a female who was sitting down. "You shouldn't be on your toes all of the time, looking out for him. Both of you. You and Marcus. I'm sure Riley's fine."

"I hope so..." Afia sighed gently, her eyes ever so slightly saddened at the thought of him not being safe bringing her down a little. "I mean...he was fine last week but since then he just kind of-" she began but was cut off as soon as she felt Akio's hand grip her upper arm, causing her to flinch slightly, but her attention was drawn to the distance in which Akio was pointing to.

"Hey, look!" Akio then gasped, his eyes locked on the two strangers, Afia following his gaze to see the well dressed male and the female with the bi-coloured hair taking shots at each other. The male seemed to be weilding ice, the female fire. To see the sudden fight in the once peaceful park came as a shock to Afia as she just kept her startled eyes on the pair, only to see Akio tearing forward, now running towards them.

"A-Akio!" Afia squeaked in utter shock as she watched her barefooted friend bolt forward, rushing towards the male and female, Afia having no choice but to follow him.

"Hey!" Akio barked as he continued to run towards the dueling pair, now skidding to a halt in between them, flinging his arms out as if to tell them to stop. Afia just kept a few inches away from them, her golden eyes still startled as she watched Akio try to break up the fight. "Hey, cut it out you two!" Akio then snapped at the pair, his teeth bared like some sort of feeble animal, his amber eyes suddenly aggressive looking as they darted from the red eyed male to the girl with the unique looking hair. "Are you guys crazy?" he continued to snarl. "Do you have any idea how much trouble you'll be in if the humans saw that?" he then hissed before diverting his eyes to the male, not at all put off by the blood-crimson colour of his iris'. "And you...hasn't anyone told you it's wrong to hurt a girl? I thought stuck up pretty boys like you would of been taught manners!"


"It's none of your buisness what I've been taught," Tristen hissed as he went to encase the 2 new people in ice. "And to think I thought I could avoid you two low lifes."

In the process of his atempting to freeze them, Gilmore came to a complete stop then immediately melted the ice before it even reached the two of them. "I made sure there weren't any humans, and besides, what better way to defend myself from ice?" Gilmore seemed to take things lightly as the two came up, but she tried to keep a serious eye on the icey brat. "This guy doesn't seem to care about his manners or anything else for that matter."
"Who do you think you are? Talking to ME like that?" He then turned to Akio, "Humans know not to mess with me. They know better than that. So strange you idiots don't. I don't care if humans see me, why should I? What will they do to me? They fear me, ha ha." Tristen was proud of the name he made for himself. His eyes squinted as though looking at an opponent but his sinister smile grew.

Gilmore just shook her head. Tristen tried to ice up the couple again and again Gilmore melted it. "This is getting rediculous."
"I agree, now sit back and let he free-, I am going to KILL YOU!" Tristen wanted to freeze Gilmore to prevent her from stopping him, and she melted the ice again, making him even more angry.
Gilmore sighed and looked at Akio and held yout her hand smiling. "Well I'm Gilmore." She sort of chucked and looked at Afia as well.



Akio's teeth remained bared, his fists by his sides, having to clench them tighter in order to fight the urge in cracking Tristin in the jaw. Who was this guy? The female with the rather unique hair didn't seem to be doing him any harm before the battle he had stirred up. He wouldn't be shocked if Tristin was having a go at Gilmore for breathing oxygen or something stupid like that.

Afia just remained behind Akio, keeping her distance from Tristin and Gilmore. Her frail looking body looked rather defensive as she stood there with one hand held to her mouth, her shock striken eyes watching as the well dressed ice gifted continued to make attacks towards the girl but failing as she easily melted the ice that was diverted her way. The fact Akio had stepped in to stop it all made it even worse. He could get hurt. Everyone could get hurt if the fight were to wage on. She just trembled in fear as her goldenrod eyes watched the three of them, Tristin trying once again to inflict pain on Gilmore but once again, it didn't seem to work which was a releif in her eyes.

"You're calling /us/ the idiots?" Akio then snapped as he flashed his eyes away from the girl to shoot a firey glare towards Tristin, his muscles tensing as he stared at the well kept male with utter hatered. "/You're/ the idiot here! Fair do's, the humans here might not be able to land a scratch on your skin but I take it you have never faced arm forces!" Akio continued to rant, completely blanking Gilmore out as she introduced herself, Afia sighing lightly, her cheeks going pink in the slightest, suddenly feeling a little embarassed. Typical Akio. He always liked to have the last word in an argument.

Afia just slowly approached Gilmore, forcing a weak smile as she stopped next to the fire gifted, a shy and timid look in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry about Akio...he really doesn't mean to um..." she then spoke, letting her eyes drift over to the auburn haired boy who was still shouting at Tristin. "He really doesn't mean to ignore you," Afia finished. "H-He just really hates it when someone's picking on someone else...I'm Afia. And you might of guessed he is Akio," she smiled gently to the female, her golden eyes slowly falling to look at the ground, unable to hold eye contact.



"Its ok," Gilmore gave the girl a soft warm smile. "It's nice to meet you." She was trying to be sweet, but now began to think about her family. Her smile slowly faded, "This day is never a good one," she sighed under her breath. "Anyway, no need to be shy, I won't hurt you unless you attack me of course." She almost chuckled as she said it, trying to be friendly.

"Ah, aha, ahaha!" Tristen bursted into laughter, listening to the boy vent. "And tell me, what would armed forces do with frozen weapons? Can you pull a trigger incased in ice? Better yet, can you move a frozen hand the way you please?" He laughed as he spoke. "Lets find out," He hissed as he went to freeze him, getting only his feet before Gilmore stopped him. She melted the ice on his feet as well and glances at Tristen. "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" He then pulled what he called a flash freeze on Gilmore to attempt to prevent her from saving herself, leaving nothing but her face out of the ice.

Gilmore went to turn to Afia when the ice wrapped her up. "Damn, really?" Gilmore began to burn through the ice and was now irritated. Some new friends and what happens, someone is trying to hurt them, who is this punk anyway? Gilmore wish she knew. The ice cracked and melted under the intence heat, and Tristen clenced his fist.

Gilmore then sent another fire ball his way. Tristen just smiled. "What a challenge you've been. Perhaps you would be worthy of being my pet." Gilmore was discusted and angered.

"What makes you so Goddamn high and mighty?" Gilmore's grey irises appeared to be outlined in a firey red. She looked over to Afia to make sure she was alright. "He hasn't hurt you right?"

After visiting his mother and dropping off some things she needed, Jason walked off, the scar from pavement still had not fully healed. She had him wait at least ten minutes to be sure he was ok. After the ten minutes it was still not fully gone but he decided it was time to go out so she would not be so worried. Out of sight out of mind. He decided to walk across town to the woodsy area to stroll as a tiger and feel a little more free.

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years & 5 months ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago