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  1. 500 quests in 3 weeks (????????????)
    17th Nov 2013 03:17
    10 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  2. Graphics Box(????????????)
    16th Feb 2013 03:17
    11 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  3. ???Thank you for the birthday presents!???(?????????????)
    14th Jan 2013 16:49
    11 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  4. Ladyeleah32^-^ <3
    12th Jan 2013 05:20
    11 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  5. K y o p ~
    5th Jan 2013 05:42
    11 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  6. ???Keute???Application???
    23rd Dec 2012 21:08
    11 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  7. Random doodles I did ??????????????
    25th Nov 2012 22:05
    11 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  8. Just Application
    24th Nov 2012 22:35
    11 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  9. This ish me???
    14th Oct 2012 03:00
    11 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
Just Application
11 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
24th Nov 2012 22:35

[color=66cccc]Hello (:
My name is Ivy and I'm going to apply for Just, the awesome seasonal viotto (^ w ^) There are many reasons as to why I'd absolutely adore to have Just as part of my mara-family. In this application, I'll be stating a few, as the reasons are actually endless :3 Yushyush, endless c:[/color]

[color=0000ff]I'll tell you a little bit about myself first. HAIHAI^-^ My name is Ivy {Yes, all over again. But watch out, this might not be one of those typical apps ; ) }~ I'm currently a high school student who spends most of her time on;[/color]
[color=ff99ff]a) Marapets[/color]
[color=cc66ff]b) Singing to myself in front of the mirror in the bathroom {You'd be lying if you said you haven't done that before O;}[/color]
[color=ff99ff]c)Facebook. Nahjks. I think i'm going to retire from Facebook now ; u ; It's getting boring xDD[/color]
[color=cc66ff]d)Marapets. Again. BECAUSEEEE it's most definitely taken up a nice proportion of my life ._. [/color]
[color=9999ff]Marapets has been a huge part of my life which I will continue to treasure, even if I quit, because it's been one of those life changing things. Or sites, in this case. is the reason as to why I can be motivated to continue being social & trying to meet more friends. It's definitely the main site where I found about 90% of my current online friends. Just so you don't get too excited, I don't have too many x3 Not that you'd get excited for something like this, but anyway. I'm rambling on about myself ><; I should talk more about something else. OFF TO THE NEXT PARAGRAPH WE GOOO! ^ 3 ^[/color]

[color=99ffcc]Just is a V/C/R/W. With your many years of experience, I'm sure you know that (: As it is, these types of words are hard to stumble upon. Today was definitely my lucky day, as I stumbled upon this giveaway! I'm not sure what's better; the fact that she's a seasonal viotto, she's a VCRW, or that she's being given away by such a lovely owner. Just is one of the words that has a place in my Top 10 most said words in a day xD It's kind of ridiculous, if you think about it cx This excludes Saturdays & Sundays, because on those days, I'm a puppet. I shut up and play Marapets on the weekends. Excuse the language, i can change it if you would like ^ ^ V/C/R/Ws are popular. And not just normal popular. Like One Direction & Justin Bieber with girls popular. Probably even as loved as a song with a collaboration with both JB and 1D o3o Definitely a weird comparison, but you could say that it's true (; [img][/img]

[color=cc33cc]Seasonal viottos, lalalala. They are beautiful, pretty, wonderful, amazing, spectacular, loveable, squishy {In a good way + probably only in my eyes xD}, yummy, kawaii, darling, extraordinary, admirable, attractive, awesome, stunning, angelic, appealing, classy, refined, lovely, almighty, fine, neat, magnificent, superb, tip-top, pleasant, pleasing etc. I could actually go on forever about how wonderful seasonal viottos are and use up every possible adjective in a thesaurus that means "great" <3 I guess??? it might just be me, but people seem to take a dislike to viottos. Most complain about their wonkatated knees, but I think that they're perfect! They have crazy cool knees, by they way ;D Seasonal viottos, in particular, have that little wooly jumper thing that just wraps them up and makes them look like little.. spring rolls o u o~ I would love to be a seasonal viotto, but it's Summer right now ><; OKAIES. NURXT.[/color]

[color=ffcc00]This reason might not even seem the slightest bit legit, but I do hope that you accept it as a valid one anyway xDD It's your username. Manga2love. GURL, MANGA IS WONDERFUL! I'm not sure if your username necessarily corresponds to how you really feel about manga, but nevertheless, I shall ramble on about your username x3 Do you read Yaoi? Yuri? I'm like??? a complete & utter yaoi otaku. Not even kidding o v o After my friend recommended it to me, she basically ruined my life cx It's now taken over by Manga & Anime. It's kind of ridiculous to fantasise over made up characters, i know. But it's just that I'm completely fascinated by how cartoon characters, can look so hawt >3< I WILL NOW FANGIRL.. -FANGIRRLLLLLLL-. Fangirl mode; off. That reminds me of chair mode w/ Pewdiepie. Heeee <3 And mind you, I will most definitely get carried away with this whole "anime + manga" thing. Please excuse me if I say too much about it. You can just skip over this part if you please :3 Manga. rawr. [/color][color=66ccff]MANGAMANGAMANGAMANGA
MANGAMANGAMANGAMANGA.[/color] [color=ffcc00]
okaies. I am now in love with your username. Oh dear =3= So in a few words to conclude this paragraph; I love your username.[/color]

[color=ff3399]THAT PARAGRAPH WAS SIMPLE DIMPLES C: But moving on. I'm not sure if i've been noticing weird things, but Just has some stats. 20ish. Doesn't seem like many, right? [img][/img][/color]
[color=ff3399]Well.. you might???ve thought they were a lot. I don???t even know. BUT NORMALLY, THEY???RE NOT CONSIDERED THAT MUCH. Mmkay? Mmkay ^ ^ continuing on. Those stats??? are actually precious. It???s that exact number of stats that allows Just to be the ultra special baby. 21 & 24 & 21. IT???S A MATHS LEGEND OO; It???s a Ukendian Palindrome.[/color][color=99ffff]*[/color] [color=ff3399]It???s where 3 pairs of numbers all start with the same digit but only the first and last numbers are the same. This type of palindrome is not often seen, and has been believed to give the witness/discoverer good luck. It???s basically just a mathematical 4 leaf clover, really. The level and health, you might think, throws it off.[/color] [img][/img] [color=6699ff]wrong again DD; [/color]
[color=ff3399]Level; 4. Health; 5. That equals 9. Which is the number of letters in (your username + Just) ??? 5. Which is the number of stats Just has minus 11. And eleven is first 2 digits of the amount of stamps you have and also the last 2 digits of the year I joined. [img][/img]
You see??? Me and you were destined to meet!^ u ^ Probably invalid reason at the moment, and I also probably confuzzled you, but read it over a few more times and you???ll understand cx {Hopefully ;D} [/color]

[color=00cc66]Remember that warning at the top of my app? Yeah. It wasn???t kidding o3o there???s only a bit more to go! I think. I???m not sure, as I???m just typing whatever comes into my mind right now. I???ve said ???Just??? a lot of times in my app now. Whether it be an adjective, or a naming noun, it???s been used a helluva lot of times ; u ; This just goes to prove that we???re destined : D Yeah. My reasons are getting lamer and lamer by the second xDD Now, although it may not seem so, I???ve spent a REALLY long time on this app. Kinda cray cray, considering the quality -3- At least 5 hours? That???s nearly a whole school day d; I???m getting really off topic here, so I???ll try to swerve myself back into the right direction. Which is ONE DIRECTION ;D ???ba dum tsss- Yeah. I am an oddball child D;[/color]

[color=66ccff]I really don???t want to, seeing that I???ve just began to warm up to this applying thing, but I???m going to have to conclude this app c: -sad faced- There???ll be a whole heap of extras at the bottom though xDD Poems, Graphics, Stories etc. You name it, I???ve got it! ;D Well??? It???s more of a ???I name it, I got it??? situay, but we???re close (; I???ll properly conclude in the next paragraph and then you can run on over to the little ???extras??? section ^ o ^[/color]

[color=66cc99]I wish you good luck in real life (: It has been a long ride, hasn???t it? I guess it is about time for you to have some time off from a stressful Mara. I???d just like you to know, that on behalf of all applicants and myself, we???d like to thank you for hosting this giveaway. It???s nice to know that there are people out there who are really nice and give away their pets instead of letting them rot =^-^= And I???m happy to say that you have officially made it onto all of our ???awesome??? lists! Thank you for reading all, or most xDD, of my long, droning application. It???s always wonderful to share my ???-cough splutter- creativity ???cough splutter-??? with people :3 And as I said before, Wish you good luck in real life & good luck choosing the winners! (?????? -???)???[/color]

[color=00cc99]-Ivy ???|??????|??????|??????|???
[color=6600cc]Extra Section[/color]

[color=999999]This morning, as I galloped along the cold, snowy asphalt, I wondered to myself. ???Is the Earth really round? Are the clouds actually fluffy? Is my name REALLY just.. Just????. I pondered over these questions for a while. The Earth is obviously round, as I know I won???t fall over the edge. I???ve trot all the way to America and back, how could I not know? I knew the answer off the top of my head, so I knew that it was right. Are clouds fluffy? I did not know. I wanted to find out. Flashback Just: ???Mama! Mama!??? * Just???s mother turns around with a dagger in hand and stabs??? *Flashback ends* I still wonder about her. Everyday. I wish that I could run up into the heavenly skies and see her. Just one more time.
Chills ran all over my body as I remember the face of my mother. I couldn???t bear another second without her, without.. without??? no. I must be strong. I tensed up my strong muscles and forgot about the violent imagery which had just previously skimmed across my mind a few seconds ago.
As I was nearing my destination, I utilized the time I had left to think about the last question I had foolishly came up with. Is my name really??? Just? I had grown up in a stable where every viotto had their own special name. My sister???s was Selena, My Brother???s was Cody, and my best friend???s was Linda.
I clenched my teeth as I thought about how my father had been completely careless and wrote ???Just idunno??? on my birth certificate {yes, viottos have birth certificates}. He had stamped his hoof print at the bottom without even thinking twice about the consequences. The school that I went to, every foal laughed and giggled at my name. I didn???t want to have a name like Just. I wanted one like Angel or Britney. A girly name.
All through my high school years, my name was the only thing I was constantly conscious about. People laughed and jeered every time we had to write our names on a name tag. I even tried to merge in and write a completely different name, but it was no use. My story was known through the entire stableland and every single viotto knew about it.
One rainy Thursday afternoon, I knew that I had enough. I buried my face in my hooves and cried all the way back home. Home. Where all the laughing seemed so distant. Where everything was calm and serene. Where.. mother no longer was.
That night, I tossed and turned in my what-should've-been-cosy stable. The more I thought about mother, the more I wanted to just let everything go and gallop up to heaven with her. But I couldn???t. No. I couldn???t. I had to stay strong???. Didn???t I? Mother does still care about me.
???..Doesn???t she?
-End of Story-[/color]

[color=ff0033]Just as I took off my red velvet hat,
My dear old friend, Rudolph, had just arrived.
His red shiny nose pierced through the darkness,
And bounced onto my hat.
Rudolph laughed,
Without a doubt.
I laughed alone with him,
As we all had fun.[/color]

[color=339966]I saved the day with my bells,
Not like the hermits in their shells.
They jingled and sounded,
Until everyone was dumbfounded.
They all stop and stared,
But the villain glared.
He took out his gun,
But I wasn???t done.
I used my velvet red coat,
And turned into a goat.
Then he couldn???t find me,
So I jingled him in the knee.
My bells saved the day,
Hip hip hooray![/center][/color]

[color=99ffff]* = Doesn???t actually exist. I don???t think ._.[/color]

[color=666600]I will edit this application from time to time~[/color]

....It shows effort? o3o
Doesn't it? DD;

Thanks for le comment, anyway ^ Q ^
111 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 24th Nov 2012 23:50
way too long
111 years, 10 months & 8 days ago 24th Nov 2012 23:40
  1. 500 quests in 3 weeks (????????????)
    17th Nov 2013 03:17
    10 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
  2. Graphics Box(????????????)
    16th Feb 2013 03:17
    11 years, 7 months & 17 days ago
  3. ???Thank you for the birthday presents!???(?????????????)
    14th Jan 2013 16:49
    11 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  4. Ladyeleah32^-^ <3
    12th Jan 2013 05:20
    11 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
  5. K y o p ~
    5th Jan 2013 05:42
    11 years, 8 months & 28 days ago
  6. ???Keute???Application???
    23rd Dec 2012 21:08
    11 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
  7. Random doodles I did ??????????????
    25th Nov 2012 22:05
    11 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  8. Just Application
    24th Nov 2012 22:35
    11 years, 10 months & 8 days ago
  9. This ish me???
    14th Oct 2012 03:00
    11 years, 11 months & 19 days ago