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If you are waiting for a reply from me please see my info to see how soon to bug me xD Couldn't bear to take down my little profile I've had for years but its getting out dated.I still give kudos to anyone who reads my info. Im over 30 now and have 3 wonderful children who often keep me busy. I'm not always on, though i log on frequently, but when I am I always try to reply quickly, however, sometimes my kids will pull me away after I read a mail and I may not be able to reply right away because of it. If I dont answer after reading it within 24 hours feel free to mail again. If I did not read please consider that I may not have gotten on and give me a little more time or if you could let me know if you find what you're looking for so I can reply accordingly. If you offer on my lot or mm an offer, if I am on/read the mail and dont answer, it is not a no, I am concidering or busy, please be patient and dont withdraw. Thank you

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years & 5 months ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
Jasons characters (nts&J)
11 years, 10 months & 14 days ago
18th Nov 2012 05:29

Riley = Darkness & Wolf Shapeshifting
Akio = Lightining & Advanced Agility


Riley is a fair-skinned male who is probably the average height for a male of his age group. He may come off a little short but you wouldn't really notice until you put him right next to someone else. He seems to have a rather lean and slender build and has a rather toned structure. His muscles are more tight and flat than large and bulky. Riley has light, brown hair that appears to be cut shorter at the sides than it is at the top and back of his head were the hair is a little longer but still classed as short. He has a extra piece of hair at the back of his neck that is often reffered to by others as a pony-tail. It isn't really a pony tail but it's just a little piece of odd hair that only measures up to about 2 inches in length, so it isn't very long. It's unknown why he doesn't want to cut it but people who know Riley will know how much he fusses about his appearance. He has golden coloured eyes that are darker at the edges. It's clear that they aren't the eyes of a human as it isn't very natural to have such a strong topaz colour. He has brown eyebrows and eyelashes that match his hair colour and he has a scar across his right eye. It's almost like his trademark as the scar is more or less like his main feature. If you happen to ask were he got it, he is most likely to tell you that he doesn't remember and that's most likely the truth and the closest you're going to get to it. Riley is often described as dark, mysterious and handsome by some which is the repetation he was aiming for seeing it's easier to gain trust. He finds his appearance to be a useful tool to swoon people into his plans.

Riley usually dresses in mainly dress-shirts and/or sweaters. He is never really seen wearing hooded tops or t-shirts that aren't of his favorite Scottish football team: 'Celtic Football Club.' Even so, he never really wears them often. Even during the summer, he is usually seen in a dress shirt but he always has his sleeves pushed up to his elbows. The shirts he wears are mainly either black or white as he isn't too fond on other colours. He doesn't like patterns either. Black with white pinstripes are the furthest he's ever going to go with patterns shirt wise. He is usually seen with his top two buttons undone and seeing that he always has his sleeves bunched up to about elbow height, he wears a silver watch on his left wrist and a brown, leather cuff on his right along with other bracelets he may of collected over time. He mostly wears black trousers along with black, leather dress shoes on his bottom half. Whenever he is cold however, he usually puts a sweater (usually black) over whatever he's wearing as he doesn't really resort to jackets, but when he does, he usually either goes for a black black trench coat or black leather jacket. Whatever he seems more interested in. He never wears hats. He hates it how his hair messes up whenever it gets too warm with a hat on. Riley also has a set of silver and black rosary beads he carries around with him and always has them around his neck, though, keeps them under his clothing. They seem to hold a great importance to him and would seriously start turning buildings over to look for them if they ever got lost.

"A bad personality ruins a pretty face" is a quote that fits Riley perfectly, though, the problem is that people always fall for his charming and luring qualities and fail to see the true Riley until it's too late. Riley often acts very charming, mysterious and helpful in ways. A little too helpful that it almost seems that he's forcing one into accepting him and trusting him by bribing, manipulating and twisting words. It's a quality Riley's good at. He's so adept at manipulating people that he can do it without his victim's realizing it until the last moment when they see that Riley isn't the caring and understanding person he made out to be. The truth is that Riley's really unstable, arrogant, cliche and holds some form of a split personality that was developed through his childhood. He is often described as a Sociopath and there have been rumours saying that he likes to torture people if he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it or even just does it for his own pleasure. It's said that he enjoys peoples pain and suffering. He admits that he suffers from ADD, Schizopherenia and also shows traits of narcissism and paranoia, often imagining he's charging a large empire. Despite being on behavior medication, he often forgets and his personality worsens throughout the day. Despite being mentally unstable, he is highly observant, telling people that "nothing escapes his notice". However, he also thinks that friends are for the weak, seeing most people as tools to be used or enemies to be crushed. Riley proves himself to be incredibly manipulative, to children and adults, and highly intelligent, something he constantly reminds others of due to his arrogance and vanity. When faced with a difficult situation that might get him a little frustrated, he often hears voices in his head. His behavior differs depending on what he's hearing. Usually when he's just a little paranoid, the voices come out as small whispers that often leave him with headaches. He usually acts distant and wants to be alone when that moment comes. Whenever he's heavily frustrated and angered, the voices come out as 'shouting' and 'screaming' as he once described it. It only frustrates him further and it leads to unpredictabe actions. Whenever he can hear the voices, he becomes more much more cruel and ruthless and hungers for the sight of blood, the sound of screaming and the feeling of death. He often gets strong bloodlusts and takes his anger out on whatever or whoever was bothering him beforehand. If there could only be one word and one word alone to describe Riley, it would be: "Psychopath".

Akio Osaka is the friendly (most of the time) neighbourhood hyperactive auburn head. He can be a little childish and has to be constantly reminded to stay calm when around people. This can mean to not blow his top and pick fights on everyone around him or not to go annoying people and treating strangers as if they where his best friend. Akio tends to lose his mind whenever he is angry/frustrated or excited and needs to be seriously kept on a lead. He can be a little brash and he isn't very sensitive. He says what he wants, does what he wants and when and how he wants. He doesn't seem to take note of peoples feelings unless he's not over excited or angry. Don't get me wrong. Akio can be quite the listener when he wants to be and would go through seriously lengths to make sure those he cares about are safe and happy. Akio always seems slow to pick up words seeing his mind is constantly racing, though, he best responds to challenges and competition. He is rather over-confident and refuses to be held down by others. Even though he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed or the brightest light on the tree, he claims he is. It's like in the mirror he sees a fearless, muscular man whereas in reality, he really is a short, stubborn and inattentive boy.

Akio is shorter than most people his age, though, he isn't considered tiny. Just short. Even though he is capible to eat every single piece of food he sees, he isn't at all heavy. He is just slender. He has fair skin and always tends to have dirt marking his cheeks but not all of the time. He has freckles on the bridge of his nose and he has auburn coloured hair that is kept in windswept spikes. It always seems to retain that shape and would probably move back to shape after being wet. Akio has matching auburn eyes and eyebrows. He always seems to have a cheeky and confident grin on his face, despite his past. Akio's sense of fashion is rather mixed but even though his outfits seem rather spontaneous, he never does wear shoes which explains why his feet are always covered in dirt. He claims that his feet are never cold and that going around barefooted doesn't bother him. He doesn't think shoes are very comfortable. He often wears different coloured t-shirts along with a hoodie that is always unzipped. He always has his sleeves pushed up to his elbows and he also wears shorts that come down to his knees. He is also often seen with a fake tigerskin wrapped around his waist by the paws, the tail often dragging off of the ground. It's not real, though, he thinks a real one would be cool.

Akio's world revolves around food. He isn't greedy, though, he does like to eat, mainly because he didn't have a great deal of food for a part of his childhood. His father was killed when business went wrong. He was shot by his peers when work began to turn sour. Akio's father was an innocent man. Akio's mother was arrested for life after murdering the man who had shot her husband down dead, leaving baby Akio without a family. His grandparents refused to take him seeing that he carried the gifted gene his mother had and they didn't want to put their own lives in danger. Due to this decision, Akio spent part of his youth in foster care. Once he had grown to the age of six; he ran away from home to find his mother but found himself lost, making a home under a dumpster in an alleyway. With only rags for clothes and scraps for food, a man named Oliver (Known as Olly to Akio) took the boy under his wing until this very day. Oliver claimed to have known Akio's parents Miku (Japanese) and Arthur (American) from the past. He has told Akio that he is very like them. Happy and upbeat like his mother and competitive and challenging like his father...


Her fine fingers curled into the duvets as her petite body laid curled on the grand bed, the windows of the rather impressive house open to allow the morning to slip into her room. She had long, light brown hair that ended in little spirals, blonde running through the brown. She had a side-fringe, her thin frame dressed in a flowing, white dress that came to her knees. Her feet remained bare, a silver anklet around one of her ankles, the silver gleaming in the morning sun. A set of white converse sat beside the bed, the girls eyes closed over, the rays of the morning sun tickling against her back for a peaceful wake-up call. Her thin, white curtains flowed gently as the soft breeze came into the room, Afia Kirkwood's goldenrod eyes slowly beggining to open.

Her gentle, golden iris' shimmered gently in the morning sun, the fragile looking sixteen year old gazing at the sun. She stayed in a tall, glass building with a young doctor known as Marcus Gooding and her older brother Riley Kirkwood. Riley and Afia were taken into Marcus' care when Riley was seven and Afia was six. Their father was close friends with Marcus' father, Marcus being 28 today. Their father had given the children to Marcus' father who then left them with him to take care of, knowing that Marcus grew up to be a rather compassionate and caring gifted, due to being a gifted. Marcus had the powers of what seemed to be Dragon Souled. At the age of 22, Marcus had been infected with a dark energy that had locked the soul of a dragon within him. This was reflected in advanced strength and speed, his eyes a golden colour, but often changed purple when the dragon deep within took over. (Which was very rare, seeing that he had lots of control)

Riley on the other hand had the ability to shift into a wolf and also the power over darkness. And Afia? Well...she had the power over shifting into a fox and the power of light.

The golden eyed girl slowly stretched her limbs before slowly slipping off of the bed, her bare feet making gentle contact with the wooden flooring. She knew that Marcus would probably be awake. She usually found him downstairs, sitting at the table with his laptop. She wasn't sure if Riley would be in. He did get on with Marcus and was very protective over Afia...but sometimes, his mood often...changed.

  1. More artsy things :)
    10th Jun 2022 07:04
    2 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
  2. Pets Never for Trade (Updated)
    5th Jun 2022 13:17
    2 years, 3 months & 27 days ago
  3. Pet goals
    9th Nov 2017 13:26
    6 years, 10 months & 23 days ago
  4. For Staff (devices I log on to+people who use them
    3rd May 2016 11:39
    8 years & 5 months ago
  5. Another Blog..for guess what? Role play xD
    6th Sep 2014 07:59
    10 years & 27 days ago
  6. Ian I need these
    8th Dec 2013 09:12
    10 years, 9 months & 26 days ago
    21st Nov 2013 09:09
    10 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
  8. Fluffy Punky Goodness <3
    28th May 2013 18:42
    11 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  9. Goals
    26th Apr 2013 07:22
    11 years, 5 months & 8 days ago
  10. Before you mail me, please read..
    22nd Apr 2013 09:18
    11 years, 5 months & 12 days ago