My Dream Pet Fund:D
12 years, 2 months & 1 day ago
13th Nov 2012 00:40 [center]Hi ! I have started a new Dream Pet Fund: To change Berubo into a Baby Quell![/center]
[center]The name Berubo comes from the anime, Beelzebub. Berubo is the affectionate name that the human "parent" of a demon baby calls him.[/center]
I wish to reach the goal of 40 MIL (wow!) by next year's New Year. So, if you are very kind, you may want to drop by my shop and buy those gumballs and Test Your Strength potatoes for 10k each. I know it's very costly. In appreciation for your support, your name will be put up here if you buy one of those. Thanks!!
You can also shop at my very cheap shop, which I update prices almost every day. Thank you!!!
I have roughly 3 mil now, which means that I have a long, long way to go.
Thank you for reading my blog
People who donated to my dpf:
Chalice- Donated 50K to my dpf. Thanks!!