dreamalotdop has a home
12 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
3rd Nov 2012 19:08 For four or five years I have gotten random messages from strangers asking for dreamalotdop. They began even before she became a Sindi. The excuses I received were the usual. Most of the time it was somebody's birthday or a friend of theirs birthday. I have been asked to give dreamalotdop away because some one died or is dying. I've even been told once I should give her to the messenger because quote "You seem like a really nice person and you should give me dreamalotdop to be nice".
First off, if I didn't want dreamalotdop then I wouldn't have her.
Secondly, she is my battle pet. I didn't spend all that time and MP training her because I didn't want her.
Third, she is my gourmet pet.
Fourth, just because she's badly named doesn't mean she always will be. I haven't gotten around to changing it yet. And when I do it won't be much different. I just want her name capitalized and an extra letter added to make Dreamalotadop. I just think it's adorable and goes really well with her cotton candy costume.
I clearly state in my info that I block people who ask me to give them certain pets. That warning has worked well for awhile, but clearly people no longer bother to read my info anymore. So if you find yourself blocked after asking me to give or sell you dreamalotdop, then this is why.