Look NO MORE! We have the perfect club for you!
12 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
23rd Jun 2012 23:21 Our club DEVOTED 2 MARA is the best club. I am a 5 year old Marapets user and had been jumping from club to club. In my desperation looking for equality (not favoritism) I created my own club and was stuck with 6 members once. Most of them left Mara and the club was dead. -_-
Well, I saw a post about DEVOTED 2 MARA and was willing to try anything at that point. AM I GLAD I did!
We have fantastic club auctions on Fridays. Weekly activities, contests, and a club quiz every day!
Are we active? Very much so! Don't stand there and continue guessing, this is the club for you!
Ask me for an invite as we are private, and be ready for a great surprise!