Just some things I'd like to put out there...
12 years, 8 months & 1 day ago
13th May 2012 18:42 Just some things I'd like to put out there...
~No I will not join your club, that means /no/ invites.
~Yes I will be your friend but don't be afraid to maramail me XD
~Yes I will maratalk with you but only if we are friends.
~Offers on pets are fine PLEASE NOTE- Onyai and Onyxia. are never for trade.
~I keep all my rare/important items in my attic not my gallery.
~I keep most of mp in the bank for saving/goals.
~Yes I will help you with your goals/collections if you help me with mine.
~I have been around mara since 2007 but I self-banned and rejoined in 2009 and again in 2012.
~I don't chat often on the forum. I prefer maramail.
~If you are going to be rude/hateful then take it to someone who gives a fluff