17 years, 3 months & 23 days ago
24th Sep 2007 04:58 heyy peeps, yeah i know...why am i talking to the leader of the world???
Who me???Oh you flatter me so leader of this world i promise to....blah blah....ANIME!!!!
Yes i promise to make sure everyone has watched a least 1 million anime...cause it rox...along wif yaoi...Yaoi is like the second best thing in this world...after me!!!!
Hehe...bow down to your new leader....PHILLIEE...yes this is such i big honour... i like to thank my....myself..cause life wouldn't be rite wif out moi!!
Yeah...just felt like introducing myself to my fellow mini onions(minions)...LOL...the leader of this world is a girl...:0...shock horror! Thats rite...i'm starting a new trend...PHILLIEE RULES U AND EVRYTHING merchindise...oh and the whole female leader thing...feel free to mmail me...i like it went ppl talk to me...i like making friends...crappers and milk....MOOOOOOO