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Staff, I log on with whatever device is on my person at the moment. Usually phone or laptop. Please don't ban None of my pets are for trade, please and thank you.[br]abbie.png[br]draco.png
  1. ~Pokemon~
    22nd Jul 2016 15:21
    8 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  2. After all this time?
    14th Jan 2016 05:54
    8 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  3. Cute little artsy things
    23rd Jan 2015 20:09
    9 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  4. Funny Legend of Korra pics
    5th Jul 2012 08:55
    12 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  5. Wizarding Life
    9th Apr 2012 17:38
    12 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  6. My Harry Potter RP characters
    25th Feb 2012 05:57
    12 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. Stuff About Me
    18th Mar 2011 11:41
    13 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  8. My Warriors Cats and Herbs
    21st Dec 2010 10:54
    13 years, 9 months & 12 days ago
My Harry Potter RP characters
12 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
25th Feb 2012 05:57

Name: Lexia Alice Riddle
Age: 17
Year: 7th
House: Slytherin
Wand: 11 inches, ash wood with Thestral bone core
Student or teacher: Student
Patronus: Fox
Looks: She's a little on the short side at about 5'3". Her skin is even and sun-kissed from spending so much time outdoors. Her long, dark brown hair is the color of black coffee and is rather long, falling to her mid-back. It has the tendency to be ruffled and wind-swept, like she just hopped off her broom, but is, for the most part, straight. It is choppily layered, and often has the appearance of having a hand recently run through it (which is an old habit of hers). Her cheek-length bangs slant across her right eye, somewhat concealing it. Her eyes are a lovely dark shade of russet, and oddly flecked with bits of red and gold, and tipped by full, long, naturally black eyelashes. Her eyes are sort of slanted and the shape of a cat's. Others think she's pretty, though she doesn't think of herself that way. She has a hint of lean muscle to her body because she likes sports. Her ears have an ever so slight point at the top, and almost make her seem elvish, complete with the ghost of a mischievous smirk that constantly plays across her thin lips. She usually wears her Slytherin uniform shirt with trousers, since she hates skirts with a passion. When not in uniform, she's usually still dressed in darker colors, and has a fondness for hats, mainly beanies, and likes necklaces.
Personality: She's not anti-social, but she prefers not to associate herself with large groups of people. She has a bit of a temper about her, so it's probably best not to set her off. On a first impression, she gives off a cold, shut-off demeanor, though once you break through it (if you have the skill and she trusts you enough) you couldn't ask for a more loyal, trustworthy friend. She doesn't trust easily, and she doesn't get messed with too much since most students know she can more than hold her own in a fight, magical or otherwise. Excelling in her studies is very important to her, though it does not consume her life. She loves the thrilling of adrenaline, which is the main reason she decided to play Quidditch. Despite being rather outspoken, she hates having an excessive amount of attention drawn to herself. Being judged based on the actions of others and by her parentage infuriates her, and she feels like she has to work far harder than she should to prove that she isn't either of her parents or her brother, despite it never making a difference. Although she conceals them fairly well, she struggles with anxiety problems and borderline depression.
Quidditch position: Beater
Fave subject: Potions and Care of Magical Creatures.
Family: Minerva McGonnogal and Tom Marvolo Riddle, Axxis Riddle
Pets: A snowy owl named Frazier and a Kneazle named Hophni.
Other: She was raised by Muggles and only found out the truth of her parentage in her 5th year. She's an ace at human transfiguration. Speaks Par.seltongue. She enjoys the performing arts, such as writing and acting, though she hasn't been able to participate in the latter for quite some time for obvious reasons. She always finds time for the former, though. She would go mad if she couldn't write.

Name: Axxis Lea Riddle
Age: 17.
Year: 7th.
House: Gryffindor
Wand: 10 3/4 inches. Holly, unicorn hair core.
Student or teacher: Student
Patronus: Stallion
Looks: He's average height, about 5'7". He has short, mouse-brown hair that flips out and falls to his ears, which he tries to keep neatly combed to no avail. It's a rumpled mess no matter how hard he tries to make it otherwise. He has unmistakable russet eyes like his sister, though he is fair-skinned and granted a light dash of freckles across his cheeks and nose. His features are narrow, prominent, and thin, with high cheekbones and a jaw that has a stubborn set to it. His slightly paler than his hair eyebrows always look lightly furrowed, as if he's thinking hard about something, and give him an inquisitive aura.
Personality: He has the exact same temper as his twin sister, and is blatantly rejecting of his blood relations. He makes a point of being overly loyal to Gryffindor and wanting nothing to do with the dark side of his family. His charm and charisma make it easy for people to talk to, which he uses to his advantage. As far as he is concerned, he can get away with nearly anything. He is far better at concealing his emotions than his sister, and is often perceived as a calm and collected individual. Underneath the mask, he can be blunt to the point of cruelty, with little regard to the feelings of others.
Quidditch position: Chaser.
Fave subject: Ancient runes.
Family: Twin brother of Lexia Riddle.
Pets: A gold tabby tom named Samuel.
Other: N/A

Name: Nathaniel Pierce
Age: 17
House: Slytherin
Year: 7th
Wand: 10 inches, hazel wood with dragon heartstring core
Student or teacher: Student
Patronus: Raccoon
Looks: He's about 6'2", so rather tall. He's got somewhat pale skin with an almost unhealthy greyish tint to it, though he's anything but sickly. He's got dark red hair that falls to just below his ears and spikes at the top. His eyes are almond-shaped and dark green; they're almost hypnotic. He's got a beautiful smile with perfect, white teeth. He's all muscle, though not too beefy like a body-builder.
Personality: He's a little full of himself and thinks he can get away with just about anything half the time. He can be a great laugh but has the unfortunate trait of being something of a bully to the first-years. He's a decent friend.
Quidditch position: Chaser
Fave subject: D.A.D.A.
Family: A wizard father and Half-blood mother
Pets: A toad named Jiffrey
Other: N/A

Name: Starling Black
Age: 17
Year: 7th
House: Slytherin
Wand: 10 1/2 inches, hazel with veela hair core
Student or teacher: Student
Patronus: Falcon
Looks: Her skin is somewhat pale, though not sickly. Her eyes are a beautiful, sparkling ice blue with flecks of navy, tipped with thick raven lashes. Her ebony black hair falls to her shoulders and is naturally wavy. When in the sunlight, it has a blue tint to it. She's not too skinny, but has a slender figure with curves in all the right places. She's about 5'5". Her facial features are prominent and easily resemble her father, Sirius Black.
Personality: She's sort of shy around people she doesn't know, but is much easier to get to know than her best friend, Lexia. She's smart and outgoing, and rolls with the punches no matter what happens. She tends to be optimistic, though her mood swings can make her unpredictable. Her easygoing nature and light sense of humor make her very easy to get along with, but she can be rather na??ve.
Quidditch position: Either Beater or Keeper, mostly Beater.
Fave subject: Transfiguration and Charms.
Family: Sirius Black.
Pets: A barn owl named Dralla.
Other: N/A

My plot:

The Rose Garden

The war draws ever-nearer to Hogwarts. Its inevibility has struck despair and fear into all witches and wizards of London. Lord Voldemort has everything he needs to destroy his foes - even Harry Potter! Except for one weapon: knowledge. The inner circle of the Order of the Phoenix has calculated a plan to defeat him, and they have a secret weapon. But Voldemort is not completely in the dark. He has kidnapped a small group of students he knows have the information to this plan and weapon, and all the loopholes. And for the students who have pledged themselves to him, this will be a test of how loyal they truly are. The Dark Lord, highly skilled in Occlumency and mind control, has come up with a way to get his hands on the information: a maze. This maze has many levels, each more vile and wretched than the last. The students will be facing illusions that seem so real it's nearly impossible to tell them from reality. Deadly creatures and enchantments will also be forced upon the students being held against their wills. But the Dark Lord does not know each and every small detail involved in these dreams. If the students are keen and clever enough, they will spot these small mistakes. Only then will they be temporarily released until the next level of the maze. Sometimes they will be thrown into levels together to add more hardships to the tests. Each level takes place in a rose garden, and each rose has a lethal power ranging from acids to poisons to veretaserum. Do. Not. Touch. Them. There will be many temptations to give in, and the students will weaken and at times want nothing more than to get out of the dreams. Some will cave and spill information. Others will stand strong, despite the hardships. Do you have what it takes to make it through the Rose Garden?


I know it has NOTHING to do with Harry Potter, but I need somewhere to save this plot. :/

Still developing. It sort of came to me from listening to both Time of Dying and Get Out Alive by Three Days Grace. When I was forming it in my head it srt of made me think of both Maximum Ride and Deadman Wonderland.

Hidden deep in the remote regions of a place known as the Rocky Mountaions, there is evil at work. Labs, arenas, test areas, all designed to test the physical, mental, and emotional limits of those placed there.
But the victims are anything but normal: they are Gifted. Mutants. Humans born with - or forcibly given - powers that distinguish them from the outside world.
They are slaves to this -like Society, only playing by these unforgivin rules because they know no other life. It's their only option. Anyone who opposes these rules is subjectto punshment of the worst degree - or death. These scientists have no mercy or consience of the human lives they wreck.

Not even for children.

One foggy, cold winter night, they spring a plan into action. They've been running low on new test subjects, and the ones born in the Society have all been 'naturally selected'. The closest hospital is at least half a day away, but they must go through with the plan. They leave for the job, to get their hands on new victims.

The robbery is successful; they manage to kidnap a small number of infants and toddlers, young and full of life energy. Perfect for testing.

But all is not silent in the caverns where the test subjects, both young and old, reside. What they're suposed to call 'home'.
Word had spread of the plan, and they are not happy. Many of them are tired of this life, knowing that there is better out there for them than this miserable existance. The ones who object are quickly silenced. A tiny, select group of children, currently too young to understand anything that's going on, are selected to be specially trained by the older, more experienced people. They are told stories of life Outside the Society, as are the kidnapped human babies. Their young lives will be dedicated to breaking free. To ending the madness.

To making sure that the whole world knows the truth.

*cough* Slytherin FTW
110 years, 5 months & 20 days ago 14th Apr 2014 18:43
Gryffindor rules!!
110 years, 5 months & 20 days ago 14th Apr 2014 18:43
Hah, I'm gonna post mine here since I totally have made up my own. ;D

Name: Tulip Pendragon
Age: 18
Year: 7th ( was old for her grade )
House: Gryffindor
Wand: 11 inches, coral wood with Unicorn hair
Student or teacher: Student
Looks: She has short and curly brown hair, 5' 3". She has a beauty to her no one really knows. She is constantly wearing a cute tan dress with grey swirls and a tight fitted bow around the front, making the chest part of her dress pop up and wrinkle a bit, accompanied by a blue-ish grey tight fitted jeggings. She's not to skinny, but she has a perfect slender figure, with the curves placed in the right places. Her face is a porcelain doll looking, accompanied by a beautiful set of ruby red eyes and full lips. Her skin was never touched with any makeup, making her skin very fresh, pimple-free and smooth.
Personality: She's a girl that everyone likes to be around. Her jokes make sense, she has a great sense of humor and she always makes the worst things into something no one will ever forget. She is willing to stretch some school rules a bit just to get some time with her friends. Shes not to smart, but surpassing her school with some perfect some don't-want-to-see grades. She is sweet and innocent, honest and loving. She makes friends within only a few weeks of being at any school. But she is only friends with Ron Weasley, Harry Potter and Hermione Granger. They welcomed her in as one of them. She didn't know /what/ she was getting herself into, but she knew it was right.
Quidditch position: Beater
Fave subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts and Care of Magical Creatures.
Family: Muggles, except for Sirius Black who is her great uncle
Pets: A cat named Jinger
Other: She can talk Par.seltongue and she never knew about her "magic" until 2nd year.
112 years, 7 months & 7 days ago 25th Feb 2012 07:43
  1. ~Pokemon~
    22nd Jul 2016 15:21
    8 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
  2. After all this time?
    14th Jan 2016 05:54
    8 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
  3. Cute little artsy things
    23rd Jan 2015 20:09
    9 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  4. Funny Legend of Korra pics
    5th Jul 2012 08:55
    12 years, 2 months & 27 days ago
  5. Wizarding Life
    9th Apr 2012 17:38
    12 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  6. My Harry Potter RP characters
    25th Feb 2012 05:57
    12 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  7. Stuff About Me
    18th Mar 2011 11:41
    13 years, 6 months & 16 days ago
  8. My Warriors Cats and Herbs
    21st Dec 2010 10:54
    13 years, 9 months & 12 days ago