13 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
10th Oct 2011 11:17I absolutely WILL NOT haggle...these prices are rock bottom, and i'm only selling this cheap so I can buy things I need...mail me if you want anything...
Being Elger x2- 3mil each
Burning Christmas Tree Stamp- 1.3mil
Candy Music x20 -200k each (Will discount in bulk)
Christmas Tree Costume x3- 600k each
Chronicles of the Dark x2- 550k each
Chronicles of the Light- 550k
Dark Cooker- 800k
Dark Refrigerator- 800k
Devil Male Costume x4- 1.5mil each
Dukka Bow- 10mil
Earth Fairy Book- 1.7mil
Easter Book- 550k
Easter Songs- 600k
Enpiah Law Book- 600k
Explorer Costume- 750k
Fasoro Falls Giftbox- 750k
Funky Costume x4- 1.5mil each
Geek Male Costume- 525k
Genie Costume x10- 450k each
Ghost Costume- 675k
Ghost Female Costume- 2.5mil
Greatest Hits by Syn D- 2mil
Grey Blood- 550k
Grim Reaper Female Costume- 1.7mil
Halloween Stamp x2- 700k each
Hobo Osafo Potion- 600k
How to Fish x2- 3mil each
Killer Costume- 675k
Leprechaun Costume- 675k
Light Side Stamp- 600k
Love Sofa- 800k
Lush Lake Stamp x3- 800k each
Marapop Stamp x2- 1.7mil each
Millionaire Costume x2- 625k each
Mistletoe Female Costume- 850k
Mistletoe Male Costume x10- 600k each
On Fire Book x2- 3mil each
Orange Blood x2- 550k each
Pixie Stamp x2- 650k each
Princess Rapunzel Stamp- 800k
Pumpkin Female Costume- 1.5mil
Pumpkin Male Costume x4- 1.5mil each
Pumpkin Stamp x2- 800k each
Robot Costume- 1.3mil
Santa Male Costume x3- 1.5mil each
Skeleton Female Costume- 2.3mil
Snowman- 550k
Soul Music- 300k
Stolen Christmas- 1.7mil
Stoneage Costume- 5mil
Strength Booster x3- 550k each
Superhero Male Costume x2- 550k each
Swondor Trading Card- 1.5mil
Teenage Witch Male Costume- 650k
Toxic Potion- 10mil
Undead March x5- 500k each
Undying Fairy Costume- 1.3mil
Vampire Costume- 2mil
Vending Machine Giftbox- 700k
Vending Machine Instructions 16- 700k
Villain Male Costume x11- 525k each
Voodoo Costume- 550k
Whirlpool Stamp x5- 600k each
White DNA- 550k