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giphy.gifCall me Ghibli. Call me Sarah. I'm always trading for missing clothes. giphy.gif 22/06/2016 - 16:42

It took me nearly 8 years but I've finally, FINALLY, completed my wardrobe. I have every attainable piece of clothing on the site! It's been my unwavering goal since I began and has cost me well over 500m and was so, TOTALLY worth it. I think I might cry.

THANK YOU to everyone, and there have been hundreds, over the years who have helped me build up my collection, but particular thanks to :
Mike (Q_Q)

who probably don't even remember helping me but I remember you. Either through restocking difficult items for me, giving me discount of a butt-load of retired clothing or actually donating stuff for free (I will NEVER get over having the war pants, long pants and shirt donated for FREE. You know who you are you lovely).

Argh, okay happy rant over. Mara you're a wonderful community. Now I can finally work on my pets properly!
  1. Horror Anime you can watch this Halloween!
    25th Oct 2018 17:54
    5 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  2. Current Mara Notes:
    13th Mar 2018 14:59
    6 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. Lending pet with complete instrument collection
    5th Nov 2017 09:43
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  4. Nerdy Name Grabs from the Purge
    3rd Nov 2017 03:40
    6 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  5. Prices I'm paying for plates (come sell to me)
    6th Oct 2017 01:43
    6 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  6. RonanLynch has changed into Halloween Pucu
    31st May 2017 15:06
    7 years & 4 months ago
  7. A Quick Guide to Pirate Mafia
    24th May 2017 04:14
    7 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Lending Pet With All Instruments Grade 10
    13th May 2017 05:09
    7 years, 4 months & 18 days ago
  9. So much love!
    20th Apr 2017 11:24
    7 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  10. I watched the final Naruto episode today.
    10th Apr 2017 08:29
    7 years, 5 months & 22 days ago
Writing Contest - Hostage
13 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
30th Aug 2011 04:16

So far it had been three days and three nights. She'd been scratching it into the wall as the time had passed by. They weren't coming to save her ??? no one was. She was going to die in this cell and she knew it.

Alice was only fifteen but she had a tight grasp on the world; understanding the way politics and wars played out. She knew no one would come to her rescue; there was nothing in it for them apart from her tiny life. Who would want to rescue the daughter of a wealthy stuck-up man anyway? The only person who should care probably didn't even realise she was missing from her bedroom. She'd realised from the moment the two men had bound her and stolen her away that she was doomed. No one cared because no one knew she existed. They only saw her father. One of the richest and most hated men in the country.

Alice drooped her head against her knees, crying softly to herself - occasionally letting out a sob. She tucked her knees in further to her chest, trying her best to ignore the shackle around her ankle that stopped her from running free. She was alone and no one would save her.

With her head buried in her arms, Alice never heard the door to her cell open and a figure step inside, closing the door behind themselves. She never even noticed them walk across the stone floor to where she sat huddled in a ball, stopping next to her to bend down to her level. She only noticed when she felt a sharp flick hit the middle of her forehead. She looked up, startled, but relaxed a little when she saw who it was.

The boy in front of her, with shaggy brown hair and electric blue eyes that could pierce through stone gave a devilish grin, tucking his hands into his trouser pockets,

???What the heck are you crying over now, Alice???? He tilted his head to the side, ???We're feeding you and keeping you alive, what more do you want???? Alice sniffed loudly, wiping her nose on the back of her sleeve. The boy wrinkled his face, pretending to vomit, ???Cute as always.???

Alice sniffed again, rubbing her eyes with a dirtied sleeve,

???Please just let me go. I've already told you my dad wont pay for m-???

???Will you shut up!???? The boy said hastily, shoving his hand over her mouth before she could finish. She saw him look over his shoulder, his eyes wide. He was staring at the door ??? perhaps expecting for someone to barge in? When no one did he turned back to look at her, slowly pulling his hand away, ???For goodness sake, don't say that out loud. Do you want to get killed????

Alice didn't speak. It was strange; he always acted like this. Ever since she'd arrived he'd been popping in and out of her cell, checking up on her, laughing and joking about what a mess she looked, and then every time she'd tried to tell him that no one was coming to rescue her he'd cut her off, telling her to shut up ??? some times more violently than others. He was strange, there was no doubt about that, but there was something about him... something that maybe she was only making up... but it seemed to her ??? sometimes ??? that he was trying... to protect her from the others.

He'd been there on the night they'd taken her. He'd held the window open as the other two had carried her out, commenting sarcastically about how calm she was being. She'd even tried to swing her foot at his head but missed, leaving room for another snide remark. After she'd arrived in her cell he'd come back with food and a drink, and visited every so often ??? looking as shifty as ever in a way that made Alice believe he knew he shouldn't be in the cell with her.

The boy sighed, seeing Alice looking as glum as ever, turned and slid down the wall so he was sitting next to her. He drooped his hands lazily over his knees then said as he stared blankly at the door,

???Seriously, what's eating at you? You should at least talk to me because you know I'm the only one who's going to listen.??? He tilted his head sideways again, smirking. Alice turned her head away to stop him noticing she'd rolled her eyes ??? she didn't want to provoke him. In a tiny voice, her mouth still muffled by her arms, she said,

???I already told you. I don't know why I'm here because my dad won't come to rescu-??? The boy's hand connected swiftly ??? but lightly ??? to the back of her head, shutting her up. She turned and glared at him; forgetting her place for a second, ???Stop doing that!???

The boy smirked again, surprised by how long it had taken her to finally snap. He draped his hand behind his head, closing his eyes leisurely,

???Well I would if you would just stop bringing that up,??? He cracked open an eye to glance at her, ???Okay????

Alice was quiet. She lifted her head from her arms, looking properly at the boy now. As evil captors went, he really didn't fit the image. He was too... well 'nice' wasn't the right word but it was all she could think of.

???So why are you keeping me then? If you know he won't-??? She saw his hand twitch, ???...if you know that.???

The boy was quiet, as if thinking to himself. After a long moment's pause he came out with,

???It's not up to me if we 'keep you' or not. That's for the boss to decide. He'll keep you as long as you're valuable.???

???But I've already told you-???

???-I'm the only one that knows that, Alice.??? He turned, his sharp blue eyes staring into hers, ???No one else knows-??? he whispered the last few words, ???-that he won't come for you.??? He perked up again, grinning, ???And as long as the boss doesn't find out and he thinks they're in negotiation, you'll be fine.???

What was he talking about? He wasn't making any sense.

???How can there be a negotiation with someone who doesn't care????

The boy went to speak but fell silent suddenly, looking down at his knees. Again, a moment later he perked up, reaching into his jacket-pocket. He pulled something out and held it out for Alice in the dim light. It was a phone. Her father's.

???Where did you get that???? She exclaimed with a hiss. The boy shrugged, chuckling at her reaction,

???Swiped it from your big ol' mansion, didn't I????

???But why do you have it????

He grinned cheekily, showing his teeth like a little child,

???Simple. I want to keep y-??? he cut himself off, feeling the phone start to vibrate in his hands. He looked down at it and so did Alice. The boy's face fell, ???Oh dear.???

Alice went to ask what was wrong but the boy shoved his free hand over her mouth quite hurriedly. He said, giving her no chance to reply before he flipped the lid of the phone,

???Don't say a word.??? He pressed the call button on the phone, took a deep sigh to prepare himself, then raised it to his ear. There was a short pause and then he said, ???W-what have you done with my daughter? Tell me she's safe- p-please, that's all I ask!??? He spoke in a tone very different to his own; this one was huskier, rougher but it sounded so scared. Alice couldn't believe what he was doing. He was pretending... to be her father ??? and she knew now wasn't the time to compliment but he was doing an awfully good impression of him.

Alice sat motionless, listening to the boy talk with her eyes open wide, trying desperately to figure out what was being said and what was going on. The boy was talking precisely in the same manor as her father did when he was scared of losing a business deal. Even his expressions mimicked the anxiety she'd seen many a time on her father's face. It was as if the boy had somehow managed to sit down and study him, learning to copy him in every way. Why though? Why would he go to all of the trouble to do it?

???Just give me a little more time, please???? She heard him say, seeing his eyes filling with a worry so realistic she believed they were words being spoken straight from his own heart, ???I love her. I'll do anything to keep her safe. I just need more time to get the money!??? He became quiet again, listening to what his boss had to say as he talked about their imaginary deal. He let out a loud sigh of relief, knowing fine well his boss would be able to hear it from the other end, T-thank you. Thank you so much. I-I'll have the money soon, I promise you that. Please... please just tell my daughter I love h-...??? He pulled the phone away from his ear, a smirk replacing the look of worry on his face. He turned to Alice and waved the device about a little, ???He hung up.???

Alice was still far too in shock to understand what was going on. The boy noticed, grinning childishly again,

???I take by your silence that you're too shocked by my amazing performance to speak???? He winked, ???Well thanks, Alice, how kind of you.???

Had she classed him as a friend, Alice would have hit him on the shoulder by now for being far too egotistical. Instead she merely sat, her eyes somewhat nervously flickering between the boy and the phone in his hand. He continued talking as if they'd been in mid-conversation about the situation, though for some reason Alice seemed to hear a hint of embarrassment,

???I'm saving up, you know? I took a few things from your house when we got you-??? He chuckled, not looking at Alice but knowing fine well her expression, ???-Hope you don't mind. I'm selling them off around the underground and I'll get there. I'm sure if the boss sticks to his end of the bargain then I'll get enough time to-???

???-H-hold on.???

The boy paused in his speech, turning to look at her curiously. Alice felt a lump build in her throat, realising she didn't want to ask what she was thinking. Never the less, after feeling the blue eyes on her for too long, she pulled up the courage and said; her voice barely louder than a whisper,

???Why are you... pretending to be him????

The boy turned to look at the door again, leaning his head against the brick wall, his grin still there but it was looser at the edges; more relaxed than playful.

???Well I can't have you going down without someone fighting for you.??? He continued with his tone quieter, his eyes locking on the door for a moment, ???If your old man won't do it, then someone should.??? He closed his eyes, seeming more serious than she'd ever seen him before, ???No one should have to feel that alone.???

Alice's chest tightened as she looked at the boy, seeing him open his eyes to look at her. Even in her darkly lit cell she could see his eyes as bright as the sky, filled with a seriousness that didn't fit his character. There was something, she could feel it, that had happened to him, that he had never told anyone and probably never would. Something that, behind his usually-cheeky grin, had hurt him. She wanted to ask him about it, but he started to speak first, tilting his head towards her with his grin in place,

???It's unfair to you anyway. You're only the hostage. You've done nothing wrong; it's your dad we're after.???

She was sure that had been meant as some sort of comfort, but even if she did have a certain amount of loathing towards her father, he was still her father and she loved him. She didn't really want him getting hurt... too much.

Seeing she'd gone quiet, the boy rolled his eyes and looked at the door again, after a moment pulling himself up to a standing position. Alice looked up at him in alarm, realising he was about to leave her all alone in the cell. Her throat clenched, preventing her from saying the words of protest when she opened her mouth, but the boy seemed to understand, as the next thing Alice knew he was patting her softly on the head.

???Don't fret your muddy little face, Alice. I'll try to get you out of here.???

His hand left her head and she stared after him, seeing him turn to walk away. He made it as far as putting his hand on the doorknob when she called, her voice uncertain and confused,

???You won't even tell me your name, so why are you helping me?!!???

He stood with his back to her, his head lowered, then he turned to glance over his shoulder, the grin back in place but a subtle sincerity in his voice,

???Because I want to meet you again one day, out in the sunlight where you're smiling and not hunched in a dark corner.??? He chuckled, ???That's why.???

Before Alice could speak again he pulled the door open and left, leaving Alice staring at the place he had just been, her cheeks feeling hot and her heartbeat racing.

For the first time in her life Alice finally felt like someone cared.

111 years, 2 months & 24 days ago 8th Jul 2013 14:41
Thank you!

Well I will be posting more when I enter other writing comps, or just for fun if I'm bored

I'm not used to writing short stories so it's just getting used to them at the moment
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 17:14
Oh, my.

Do you often post stuff you write?

If so, I really need to subscribe to you. You're amazing, my friend!
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 17:07
And you are so kind! ^.^ Thank you~!
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 13:30
you are so awesome *O*
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 13:24
Oh, thank you
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 04:32
Ohhh thats a good story
113 years, 1 month & 1 day ago 30th Aug 2011 04:30
  1. Horror Anime you can watch this Halloween!
    25th Oct 2018 17:54
    5 years, 11 months & 6 days ago
  2. Current Mara Notes:
    13th Mar 2018 14:59
    6 years, 6 months & 20 days ago
  3. Lending pet with complete instrument collection
    5th Nov 2017 09:43
    6 years, 10 months & 26 days ago
  4. Nerdy Name Grabs from the Purge
    3rd Nov 2017 03:40
    6 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
  5. Prices I'm paying for plates (come sell to me)
    6th Oct 2017 01:43
    6 years, 11 months & 26 days ago
  6. RonanLynch has changed into Halloween Pucu
    31st May 2017 15:06
    7 years & 4 months ago
  7. A Quick Guide to Pirate Mafia
    24th May 2017 04:14
    7 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Lending Pet With All Instruments Grade 10
    13th May 2017 05:09
    7 years, 4 months & 18 days ago
  9. So much love!
    20th Apr 2017 11:24
    7 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
  10. I watched the final Naruto episode today.
    10th Apr 2017 08:29
    7 years, 5 months & 22 days ago