The paper clip trade!!!!
13 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
29th Aug 2011 08:14 If your reading this, you most likely saw my trade, i am starting with a tombola book. It is worth 1 mp... ...ya, I know right. Hopefully i can trade it up to some thing worth more, like 2000 mp or so. Here I go:
Tombola book -> Steam Crystal by: tinycat96
Steam Crystal -> Glowing Clown Egg By: ilovesleep
Glowing Clown Egg -> Buried Treasure Scratchcard by: MrPeaboddis
Buried Treasure Scratchcard -> Musical Doyle Potion by: SoWhatImARocker
Musical Doyle Potion -> Fishing giftbox by: aryoz
Fishing giftbox -> pink dusty by: xloned_out_loserx:
Journal- 29th, I think. I really doubt this will work, but im bored out of my mind so I might as well try.... Watch it be like 8 days of nothing and then someone offers a potato worth 1mp. lol. Here we go... No, here we don't go. There was an Error, and now I can't post this for 15 mins... UHG. I have super bad luck, just to let you know. At Least I could back up and type more. Great, now im bored, MORE. This looks like it was a bad choice. BUT THERE IS STILL HOPE! I can go try to earn some $$$, or not... huhhh. WO someone offered! Im gonna ask if I can put them in here! YAYUUH! It was a steam crystal!!! so happy! Im up so much! This is working! I put the crystal up, and i think im just gonna use their name, they haven't mailed back, and I don't think they would mind. tinycat96 is the name! Thanks so much TinyCat! ok, ill ad more later. WOW! another one! A Glowing Clown Egg! Thanks ilovesleep! Someone told me this is against the rules, im gonna check it out.
I checked and double checked the rules, I can do this! yaay! (: .
ok ill put the egg back up. Egg just went for a scratch card! Thanks MrPeaboddis! Putting it up for trade! WHAT ANOTHER?!?! A Musical Doyle Potion!! YEES! worth 39,899MP! This rules!!! Rules so much, lol! NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN NYAN, LOL, Nyan cat.
30th- When i got on there was another offer
. It was a fishing giftbox! Thanks aryoz! It means alot when people help out! I wonder when this will end?
3rd, September- Sorry i have been gone, and REALLY sorry to xloned_out_loserx:, who I have yet to thank. I got a Pink Dusty from them a few days ago, but only excepted it. I didnt have time to wright, but now I do. better go send the mail