Le's that I have owned
13 years, 6 months & 8 days ago
19th Jun 2011 18:14 All in order
Shtrudel-Zombie Phanty
Snookii- Cotton candy Snookle
Atlantico-Black Zoosh
Rizarh-Goblin Mordo
Nacarius- Pixie Snookle
greenday111-Love Lati
xTwilightLovex-Vampire Tasi
Freebiers-Purple Gizmo
Saronda-Yellow Rusty
duane0-Prison Phanty
Zicklor-White Zoosh
chanelea- Black Troit (Potioned)
Tyllar-Punk Mordo
Poctian-Angel Peora
Iceoak-Prison Daisy
Franked-Sceth Peora
Undeadfestipet-Skeleton daisy
Zonkii-Prison Zoink
Harmano-Angel Peora
Khalene-Midnight Dakota
SHolst-Punk Mordo
Felixcia-Mummy Zoosh
Hendrika- Werewolf Tasi (Made and Potioned)
Adohi- Explorer Huthiq
Jasad-Hobo Chibs
hutiq_seasonal- Season Huthiq
Kanegaroo- Green Arinya
Dreamfunk-Balloon Vixen
Klawdja- Snow Troit