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  1. My Stories
    15th Jun 2011 17:39
    13 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  2. I Have
    23rd Apr 2011 15:31
    13 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  3. Sign Here
    23rd Apr 2011 14:24
    13 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
My Stories
13 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
15th Jun 2011 17:39

I luv writing stories, so plz read them and tell me watt u think of them under comments. Also, plz rate it 1-10. Thnxs!!=D

Princess Bell

Once upon a time in Saudi Arabia, there lived a princess named Bell. Princess Bell had never been outside her royal palace and she wanted very badly to find a prince. So one night she climbed out her window and with the help of her tiger Alou, she climbed up the tree near the strong, hard, concrete wall and over she went. Before she jumped down, she told Alou she would be back for him. The next day she went to town and watched street shows and dances, she learned how to do this and how to do that. Because she is a princess, and everything is done for her! A few days later, she met a boy, a very handsome boy that she loved. He shows her so many things and places she forgets all about her royal life.

Then the news spread quickly, the princess was missing! Her dad had sent three people out to find her and bring her home. Bell did not tell anyone who she really was and acted the way most people did when they heard that the princess ran away. Bell was reading the paper when the article about her missing caught her eye. In quote her dad said, ???I miss my beautiful daughter and I am hoping that she finds what she looking for and comes home soon.??? After that, it named the people he sent out to find her Jabar, Ursula, and Bell???s new wicked stepmother. Bell???s father was too blind to see who that woman really was. All he sees is a beautiful loving queen that never does anything, Bell thought. She stared at the pictures in the paper of what those people looked like; she would need to remember the faces so if she ever ran into them she would know what to do, run.

A day later, there was a parade. Jabar was there. He noticed Bell and when he was about four feet away from her, she remembered that face. Bell ran faster than she had ever ran before! However, Jabar was hot on her heels and he jumped on her and took her down on the ground, hard, and he kidnapped her. As he was tying her up on a chair under a small stone bridge, he explained to her his plan. It was to marry her, then kill everyone in the palace including Bell, get away with it and be rich!

Everywhere Bell went Jabar???s guards followed her so the plan she made would be harder then she thought she would, and she would not get away as easily as she hoped. A week later, a wedding was planned. Only Jabar???s people and family knew about this, no one else. No one that Bell knew, not even her dad. Somehow, Ursula knew, because the moment before Jabar was to kiss Bell he was killed by Ursula. Ursula took Bell to the beach and far into the sea, they went. Bell saw that Ursula???s legs turned into a mermaid tail! When they came to Ursula???s secret hide out she turned Bell???s legs into a mermaid tail also! Bell was now a mermaid, forever and always. She had to work for Ursula. If Bell complained, she was to work longer. As Bell lay on her hard rock bed, she thought of a plan to escape. She also knew by tomorrow Ursula would end Bell???s life forever. Therefore, Bell needed a plan and fast!

Bell had awoke to the bright sun shining through the water into her eyes early that morning. With almost no time to move, Ursula held a sharp rock in her hand and was aiming straight for Bell???s heart. Bell had to move now! She moved her head to the left and swam under Ursula???s arm. Up Bell swam but when she reached the top of the surface she remember she still had a tail. Bell went back under the water and swam far away from Ursula and her hide out. Bell knew the only way to get rid of this tail was to sneak back and take the magic potion. However, Bell was so terrified of going back she would wait a day or two.

Two and a half days went by when Bell started swimming back toward Ursula???s hide out. She was hoping it would be dark by the time she arrived. She would then go through the window of the old ship and take the potion. So that is exactly what she did, and thankfully, she made it out alive. Bell got to the top of the water and chugged the potion, and in a few seconds, she had her legs and feet back! She swam to the shore and lay down under a tree, soaking wet.

Bell wanted to see the boy she met in town. He was the only one she would feel safe by right now. Then she thought about it and she did not even know his name! She needed to find out his name. So she went to town and traded her beautiful dress and shoes for some dry, warm clothes that were not so beautiful. However, they were better for her because she fit in with the people more, unlike before when she was the only one with a bright orange dress. She also sold her jewelry for money to buy bread or a small meal of some sort.

She described the boy to a man and asked the man if he knew where he was, all the man did was shrug and asked if she wanted to buy a dead rabbit. Bell looked and the rabbit in disgust and then said, ???No thank you.??? and walked away.
She searched all afternoon for him but no luck. When the sun was setting, someone came up behind her and covered her eyes and she heard
???Guess who????

???Don???t touch me, get away!??? Bell yelled and got up and ran. However, what Bell did not know is that, that voice was who she had been looking for all afternoon.

???Wait come back???.Hey!??? Bell looked back, she saw him, and she stopped and ran back. Bell started talking so fast he couldn???t understand her. ???Sorry I didn???t know who you were. People have been taking me for the past two days??????

???You have such beautiful eyes??? he interrupted her.

???What? Really you think so???? Bell said as she lighted up inside.

???Yes I do, and your hair it???s so long and gorgeous. What is your name???? He said.

???My name is Bell.??? Bell said as she stared into his eyes.

???Bell, that???s a very nice name??? he said.

???And your???s is??????


???Hi Eric,??? they shook hands ???So have you heard about the princess? She???s missing!??? Bell said hoping he would not suspect she could be the princess.

???Yes I???ve heard.??? Eric said.

???What? Why are you looking at me like that???? Bell said with a smile on her face. There was no response from Eric, he just looked at her. Then the expression on his face changed. ???What? What is it???? Bell asked.

???Do you know that woman???? Eric said. Bell turned around and saw Ursula in the same disguise she was in when she killed Jabar.

???I got to go, where can I find you???? Bell asked nervously

???Um at the Traki Drink Place by the beach you were sitting at. Where are you going Bell????

???I???ll be back soon Eric! Bye!??? Bell said as she ran away from him, her voice getting a little quieter as she ran further away.

Ursula was running after Bell along the beach, when Bell looked back she saw a person dive on Ursula. It was the wicked queen. That made Bell run even faster, because if her stepmother captured her, she would bring her back to her father and Bell would never see Eric again. Bell ran into some woods near by. She slowed down after she could not hear her stepmother yelling, ???I know where you are at all times and I will get you Bell!???

Bell came upon a pretty, little cottage covered in curly vines. Bell stepped inside and looked around. ???Hello,??? She yelled ???Is anyone here???? The cottage was empty. Bell went in farther and started looking around. There was food in the cupboards and a bed that could fit three of her. Bell helped herself to some soup and carrots then went to go lay down. Just as she was dozing off, she heard the door open. She flew up in bed and headed for the window, but someone saw her before she could get out.

???Ahhhhhhhh! Who are you???? Bell turned around and saw a short terrified man with a big pink nose. Then more short men came and they looked scared too.

???Hi I???m Bell, um that soup was very tasty, and your bed is nice.??? Bell sounded edgy as she spoke.

???What do you want we???ll give you anything please don???t eat us!??? A man smaller than all of the rest said.

Bell said, ???I don???t want to eat you. I didn???t know this was you???re??????

???House!??? Another man said as he interrupted Bell. Bell got out of the window, walked over to the men, and kneeled on one knee. ???Don???t be afraid of me. I???m nice! Let me clean up the mess I???ve made, and then I???ll leave.??? Bell said as she walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. As Bell was cleaning up, she told them about how she was a princess and that she ran away looking for love.

???Well is that all you need???? Bell asked. ???Do you need me to get you something on the top shelf???? Bell asked.
???No, no that is all thank you for cleaning up. Now bye-bye.??? The little man was trying to shoo Bell out but she was too heavy for the man to push her out the door. ???Grumpy she can walk herself!??? Another man said,

???I know but I want her out faster, she makes me uncomfortable.???

???Your name is Grumpy, well hi Grumpy!??? Bell said cheerfully.

???Hi, now goodbye Bell.??? One of the men sighed and pulled Grumpy away.

???Um I don???t want to be pushy or anything but do you mind if I stay here for awhile? As I said before I???m trying to hide from those evil people trying to take me.??? Bell said hoping they would let her stay for a few nights.

???Very well then.??? Grumpy said and he walked outside.

???Don???t worry he is always like this, the name is Doc.???

???Hi Doc I???m Bell, thanks for letting me stay!???

The next day when Bell awoke no one was there and there were four crackers, juice, and a vine of grapes on the table. Bell figured it was for her so she ate it and wrote a note to the little men, it said???

Sorry if I kicked you out of your house if that is why you were not here this morning. I went to town to get some things for dinner, I will be home soon! I hope that food on the table was for me because I ate it all.


Bell went to the Traki Drink Place to find Eric and sure enough he was there giving people drinks and ice cream. ???Hey Bell, want anything???? Eric asked as he gave a young woman her drink and took the money from her.

???Hi, no thanks! What are you doing behind there? That???s where the people work.??? Bell said,

???I know, I work here. I???ll be done in an hour if you want to go get lunch????
???Yes, sure I???ll be back in an hour!??? Bell said gladly. Bell went shopping for the little men then dropped everything off at the cottage, then went to go have lunch with Eric.

???Are you done yet Eric? I might be a little early.??? Bell said as she sat down at the counter Eric was working behind.

???No I???m done! I???m going to lock up the place I will meet you outside.??? Bell went outside and saw two little girls. They ran up to her and said, ???Look! We caught a crab!???

???Nice job girls!??? Bell said with a smile on her face.

???Lets eat it for dinner!??? one girl said,

???Okay!??? the other girl agreed. Then they ran away.

???Alright ready Bell???? Eric said,

???Yes let???s go!??? Bell said as she grabbed Eric???s hand and ran down the beach.

Bell and Eric had lunch, then Bell said, ???Eric I want to show you something, and tell why I ran away the other day.???

Bell took Eric the little cottage

???What is this???? he asked.

???This is where I???ve been staying??? Bell walked inside with Eric behind her. ???Sit down I have something to tell you Eric!??? Bell was hoping that Eric would not freak out when she told him she was a princess. ???Eric I???m the princess,??? Bell said to him slowly ???I ran away and my dad sent three people out to find me. At the parade, a man named Jabar kidnapped me. He said he would marry me, and then kill me and everyone else in my palace.???

???Okay, no you???re not the princess Bell, you can???t be!??? Eric said.

???I AM Eric, and a few days ago on the beach, I was being chased along the beach by an evil mermaid. She took me, two weeks ago under the water into the sea and made me work for her; she also turned me into a mermaid!??? Bell could not read the expression on Eric???s face so she kept talking, ???As I was running from her my wicked stepmother knocked her over. I ran faster and did not look back. Because if my stepmother would have caught me, I would be back in my palace forever. And I would never have seen you again, so I kept running until I could not hear my stepmother yelling, ???I know where you are at all times, I???ll get you Bell!???

???Bell that was a good one now seriously, what do you want to tell me???? Eric said.

???I just told you! It???s true I am a princess!??? Bell knew he wouldn???t believe her. Oh well when we are married he will find out I am really a princess. Bell thought to herself. It was time for Eric because he needed to go check on his ill grandmother.

The seven men walked in, ???Hi where were you guys this morning???? Bell said to them.

???We were working.??? Happy said as put his axe down.

Bell asked, ???I have a question, were you guys born like that because you???re really short????

Sleepy answered Bell ???We???re so small because we are dwarves!???

???Oh???What are dwarves???? Bell asked.

???We are just like you but a lot shorter and we???ll stay short but get older.??? Grumpy said.

???I went shopping for you today; I got a lot because there was this really cheap booth selling food.??? Bell said to the dwarves. ???Who is hungry for a salad???? Bell cheerfully asked. Everyone raised they are hand and agreed.

???We???ll need to make stations; first I???ll put Doc and Sneezy in charge. They will tell you what station to go to, the stations are lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, peas, cheese, hard-boiled eggs, cucumbers, and salad dressings. After they tell you where to go, you will go there and make or cut that food and come by me.???

Everyone did what Bell said and it worked out great! Bell said, ???Now starting here and ending there,??? Bell pointed to the front of the counter, to the end of the counter with the food in between, ???You will go through the line and take what you want on your salad.???

Dinner was great and clean up was good too! Everyone got in bed and fell asleep.

Once again, Bell woke up to an empty house with breakfast on the table, this time banana slices, and oranges with two pieces of peanut butter toast and juice. Bell ate it all. Then she went to town but as she walked outside someone grabbed her and put her in a car, it was the wicked queen.

???I told you I would find you Bell, and your life is over. You may think by now your going home to your daddy forever, but your not! You will never come home to see your daddy again! You???ll never be seen by anyone again!??? The wicked queen laughed, she was going to get rid of Bell for good. She started the car but Bell ran out before she drove away from the cottage. Bell ran far, but her stepmother kept following her in her car. Bell came to a river flowing fast. Bell had no choice but to jump. Bell plunged into the water, the current was strong only letting Bell grab air for two seconds, and then dragging her under the cold water again. Bell thought she felt someone grab her hand before her eyes closed and she passed out.

Bell was on a chair all tied up when she awoke, looking into a mirror with a wicked queen behind her combing through her hair with her fingers. ???Don???t touch me!??? Bell yelled.

???Shhhhhhh quiet Bell, you???ll wake up your father.??? The queen said in her not so sweet, yet calm evil voice with a little laughter in it. Bell looked in the mirror and magically the mirror turned into a screen, she saw her dad sleeping in his bed. Then the screen disappeared and Bell saw herself again and her stepmother in the back round facing away from the mirror.

???You are in my room Bell, looking into my mirror that I tracked you on??? As the queen was talking Bell was watching what was happening in the mirror. It was showing Bell and everything she did ever since she escaped from her palace. Showing her with Eric and Ursula and everything else.

???How does it do that???? Bell asked.

???It???s magic??? Bell???s stepmother whispered. Then she walked out of the room leaving Bell there. Bell heard her say as she was walking down the steps, ???I???m going to bed honey; I will be back in the morning!??? Then she laughed. A few seconds later Bell couldn???t hear her laughing anymore.

Bell thought to herself Eww I am NOT that witch???s honey! Bell stood up, the chair still on her behind, and walked over to a dresser with a key on it. Bell grabbed the key with her teeth and dropped it on the floor. Then sat down and used her feet to pick up the key, then she grabbed the key from her toes, into her fingers and twisted her wrist around and started cutting. It took about an hour for Bell to cut herself out. She did it.

Bell took some things to sell in town, two jean jackets, nine pairs of socks, seven shirts, ten pants, three pairs of shoes, and some jewelry and accessories. Of course, she took some money with her. Once again, Bell climbed out of the window of her palace. When she got down she saw Alou in a cage, ???Oh Alou you poor boy! How do I get you out???? Bell pulled at the lock on the cage, she tried using a stick to open it up, but nothing worked. Bell put her hand in her pocket and felt a key. She pulled it out and put it in the lock. It wasn???t the right key but it worked! Alou jumped out, rubbed against Bell, and purred. Bell told Alou once again that she needed to escape before sunrise, and that was in about ten minutes. Alou growled and sighed, ???I know you don???t want to see me leave Alou, but I need someone to love, and when I get him daddy will give me all the money in the world and we???ll buy a wonderful house and you can stay with us. I will be back I PROMISE! Didn???t I come back as I said? Yes, I did and I will be back again. Now give me a boost Alou.??? Alou looked at her with sadness in his eyes. He walked to the tree. She stood on his back and climbed up once again. ???I???ll be back Alou, I promise!??? Then Bell disappeared behind the wall.

It was nine o???clock am; Bell started to walk toward the Traki Drink Place to see Eric. She found him there working. ???Hi Eric!???

???Hey Bell, so want to by a drink???? Eric offered

???Sure why not!??? Bell said happily. Bell bought the Icy Bottom drink. A mix of orange juice, sprite, and water, blended with a lime on top of the glass.

???Not bad Eric!???

While those two were talking, the wicked stepmother found out Bell had escaped. She was furious. Bell???s stepmother went straight up to her room and started making a poisonous apple. While the apple was being poisoned, her stepmother turned herself into a little old witch woman.
The apple was finished, now all she had to do was get Bell to take a bite. The wicked queen said to her mirror ???Mirror, mirror upon the wall who???s the fairest of them all???? The mirror showed Bell talking with Eric at the Traki Drink Place. ???Uhggggg! No! Bell is not the fairest of them all, I AM! I AM!??? The wicked queen swung the door open and stomped down stairs all the way to the car and drove to town.

???Well I better get home, thanks for the drink Eric!??? Bell said as she walked away. Bell didn???t notice that a little old woman was following her. Bell got to the cottage and walked in. The seven dwarves were having dinner.

???Hi Bell, come sit we saved some soup for you!??? Sleepy said.

???Where were you last night???? Sneezy asked her.

???Oh I stayed with a friend; sorry I didn???t tell you guys??? Bell apologized.

???That???s okay!??? Happy said.

The next morning Bell woke up to no one in the house. Eggs and bacon with juice were on the table. Bell ate it all, but what she did not notice was that there was a little old woman looking through the window watching her. Bell decided she would go for a walk. She stepped out side and there was a little old woman standing there, ???Hello little girl.??? the woman???s voice was high and squeaky.

Bell jumped then asked, ???Hi, what are you doing out here????

The woman didn???t answer her, instead she said, ???You want apple young lady????

Bell did not reply right away, ??????uh sure.??? The old woman put out her hand with the apple in it, Bell took it from her and said, ???Thank you!???

Bell put it in the bag she had with her.

???Eat.??? The woman said.

???What???? Bell asked.

???Eat apple now.??? The old woman said. Bell pulled the apple out and took a bite. Bell dropped the apple and fell to the ground. The old woman turned back into the wicked queen and walked out of the woods.

When the seven dwarves came home, they saw her lying there not moving. ???She isn???t waking up??? Sleepy said.

???She isn???t breathing either!??? Doc said.

???Hmmm. Lets bring her inside.??? Sneezy suggested.

???She isn???t waking up, get some water.??? Droopy said to Doc. Doc got up and got some water then handed the cup to Droopy. SPLASH! Droopy poured the water on Bell???s face. She still did not wake up! Grumpy came by,

???Are you guys nutty? She isn???t breathing; of course, she is not waking up! She is???dead.??? They all gasped.

???Maybe she isn???t coming back guys. Come on, let???s go.??? Happy said, as he turned sad.

That afternoon the seven dwarves made Bell a resting place for her near the cottage. As the seven dwarves were saying their good byes, Eric came.

???Hey! Who are you???? Droopy asked with terror in his voice.

???I???m Eric what are you doing with Bell? She lives here!???

???No we live here; we let her stay because she was being hunted down.??? Grumpy said.

Eric walked passed the dwarves over to where Bell was lying dead.

???Why isn???t she breathing? What did you do???? Eric yelled.

???We didn???t do anything we found her like this earlier this evening!??? Sneezy said. Eric bent over to Bell???s lips and gave her a kiss! Everyone was quiet. Then Bell woke up and began breathing! Eric had a big smile on his face and all the dwarves were jumping up and down cheering.

???Bell.??? Eric got on his knee, ???Will you marry me???? Eric had a diamond ring in his hand, Bell smiled and got tears in her eyes

???Of course!??? Eric put the ring on her hand and stood up, Bell leaped into his arms.

???Aww.??? Sleepy said.

A Few Months Later???

???Bell! Your home! I???ve been looking for you for months!??? Bell???s dad said as he grabbed Bell???s hand and pulled her in the house. Then he felt the ring on her finger, and he looked up at her and she was smiling. ???You???re??? your married.??? Bell???s dad said in surprise

???Engaged.??? Bell said.

???With who???? Her father asked.

???A man named Eric; he is in the front yard. Let him in.??? Bell said hoping her dad would tell the guards to let him in.

???Open the doors!??? Bell???s father said to the guard still looking at his daughter. In came Eric dressed nice hoping her father would approve of him.

???Hello sir.??? Eric said as he shook the king???s hand

???Hello young fella, you???re pretty sharp for my daughter.??? Bell???s dad said, ???When is the wedding???? the king asked.

???Well we didn???t pla??????

???Well get right to it my daughter needs a prince!??? Bell???s dad interrupted.

???I told you I was a princess.??? Bell whispered to Eric.

???I finally believed you when you when I saw your palace.??? Eric whispered back to Bell.

???Alou! Good boy Alou! Oh, I love you Alou.??? Bell said as she ran up to her tiger Alou

???Um Bell you know you???re petting a tiger.??? Eric said.

???Yes I know, he???s my pet! He will live with us in OUR new house! Won???t you Alou.??? Alou purred knowing that Bell was back and safe again, with what she had been looking for, for so long.

Eric and Bell had a beautiful wedding at the palace; all the towns??? people were invited, also the kind little seven dwarves who let Bell stay were invited! As for the wicked queen, the guards escorted her out of the palace, and the king would no longer ???see??? her again. Eric and Bell had a little girl named Stella, the future princess.

My Homecoming Horror

???Honey I???m sure you???ll get a chance with Roy, don???t you worry.???
???But mom, he is the hottest guy in school every girl would kill to go to homecoming with him.??? Roy was the boy of my life, well ever since seventh grade. Friday was this year???s last school dance and Roy did not have a date yet. I am sure I would not get a chance with him, he barley knows me. Maybe we talked once in awhile, an occasional ???hi??? or a bump in the hallway. Otherwise, he was all Katie Simon???s boy. I hate Katie, every one does, besides her ???clique??? of friends. They were not any better.
???C???mon I have to take you to school, I???ve got a meeting this morning, and you already missed your bus,??? my mom said, as she tossed my backpack at me, making me drop my toast.
???Let???s go!??? She yelled at me as she opened the garage and grabbed the keys to our car.

We pulled up to the school; there he was standing next to Katie of course. I sighed when I saw this and got out of the car. ???Have a good day; you???ll have to walk home!??? Mom said as she sped out of the parking lot. I quickly walked passed Roy, and of course, Katie had to say a smart remark.
???Look at that shirt, and those shoes are so last year.??? Katie said to her friends. Roy rolled his eyes, Katie didn???t notice his action. ???Hey Sierra!???
I turned around, ???What????
???Nice hair where did you get the idea, a trash magazine???? Her friends laughed, Roy said something, but I didn???t hear what.
???No I didn???t. But did you???? I replied walking toward her with a questioning look on my face.
???Whoa, no I did not! I don???t read those magazines. I get my hairstyles from Sandy Resh, the famous Romanian singer. Do you know who she is????
???Yep, but do you? Because she doesn???t wear her hair like that!??? I said as I got up close to her face.
???Girls, break it up! Sierra, get going to where you need to go.??? Mr. Shimmers said as I backed away from Katie.
???Yea, get outta here!??? Katie repeated. I left and thank god, the bell rang. I wouldn???t have to see Katie till fourth hour. I got to see Roy first and second hour, then he had Physical education with Katie. Then the three of us had art fourth hour.

???Sorry about that, you know this morning.??? When I closed my locker, Roy was standing there.
???Whatever. I mean??? sorry, I guess I got a little carried away myself. I take it your going with Katie to homecoming????
???Go figure, don???t you always.??? I said turning around to get a drink. He seemed hurt inside, but I did not say anything once I saw that disappointed look in his eyes.
???Why do you say that???? he said, looking at me.
???It is every year. You and ???her.??? I said her, as in Katie, in a disgusted voice.
???So what???? he said back to me. The minute bell rang. ???Well I got to get to class, bye,??? he said, as he turned the corner toward our first class. So what!? Every. Year. Which word doesn???t he understand? I thought to myself. Sometimes that boy is so dumb, but he is cute!

When I was walking home I saw Roy, he looked upset. I walked over to him. May I remind you this is the most we have talked all year! ???What???s the matter???? I asked.
???She dumped me.??? He said not looking up. Oh my gosh! Yes! She dumped him that is the best news I have ever heard!
???You???re the nicest girl I have talked to this year that isn???t drooling over me. Besides Katie.??? Things were looking better for us. ???Would you like to be my date for homecoming Friday???? He said looking up. His eyes seemed to glow, waiting for a simple yes.
???I would love to go with you.??? I said. Screaming and crying tears of joy inside, I smiled.
???Great! Here is my number.??? He took out a piece of paper and wrote down his cell number. He gave it to me and smiled.
???Thanks! I???ll call you later.???
???Okay, bye!??? He said.
???Later.??? I replied, and I walked home, smiling the whole way!

Hello, you have reached Jennifer Collie???s answering machine. Sorry I am not available right now please leave a message! Beep! ???Mom you would not believe what happened today. Roy asked me to the dance! Ahhh! Well bye love you!??? I had to leave a message, she was probably working out. I reached in my pocket and pulled out Roy???s number, picked up my cell phone and dialed the numbers.
???Hello???? The other side of the line said.
???Hi. Roy it is me Sierra.???
???Oh, hi Sierra!??? Roy said back
???Hi.??? I said again.
???So I???ll probably pick you up on Friday at about six-thirty. Is that alright???? He asked. I could just picture him on the other line. Beautiful as the most beautiful thing on earth.
???Uh, hello???? He asked.
???Hi! Oh sorry yea I???m still here.??? I was dreaming and forgot what he said.
???So I???ll pick you up at six-thirty.??? He said again ???Do you want to go get a smoothie by the school in like a half an hour? You know, talk a little???? Roy said hopefully, well at least that is what it sounded like.
???Sure, I would love to! See you there.??? I replied.
???Okay bye.???
???Bye!??? I said and hung up the phone. I had to go pick something cute out to wear! Only a half an hour left!

When I walked into Groovy Smoothie, he was already sitting down waiting for me. ???Hey,??? I said.
???Hi,??? he said, ???so??? do you live close???? He asked.
???About 10 minutes, I got a ride from my mom.??? I did not really get a ride from my mom I took the city bus. If I told him that, he might think I am sorta weird.
???Cool!??? He said. The waiter came.
???Welcome to the Groovy Smoothie what would you like???? The waiter asked.
???What are you going to have???? Roy asked me.
???I think I???ll have the strawberry swirl with extra whipped cream.??? I said looking at the waiter. He wrote Strawberry Swirl ex whipped c.
???Alright. And for you???? The waiter said looking at Roy.
???I will have the blueberry bomb, no whipped cream please.??? Roy said.
???Okay just a few minutes!??? The waiter said and he walked away writing Roy???s order.
???So,??? I started to say, but Roy interrupted me. He had been looking a little uncomfortable since I got here. It must be because I am looking so hot and he is nervous.
???I need to tell you something, and I know you won???t believe me because??? I just know you won???t.??? Roy said. He hesitated to continue, ???I???m different.???
???I know you???re dating me now. It???s okay.??? I said. Thinking that was a dumb word choice to say.
???No. I really am different!??? He said. ???Look, I am just going to say it. I am a vampire.???
I busted out laughing, ???No you are not!??? I said still laughing; ???Now really, what did you want to tell me???? I said. Not laughing as hard, but chuckling and smiling.
???That is what I wanted to tell you. This is the same thing that happened with Katie,??? Our smoothies came and he took a drink. ???I really am! The night of our dance is the night I become a vampire. I will disappear, want to hurt people, it may be very dangerous.??? Roy said.
???Okay we???ll see about that!??? I said again, now not laughing at all but smiling. We finished our drinks talking about the dance and him being a ???vampire.??? Then he offered to drive me home.

Today is Thursday! I am so excited for tomorrow! On the bus I sat by Roy. Katie just watched, by herself because none of her friends took that bus. Roy seemed bothered with her watching and sitting by me. Later in the day, he got better. The strange thing is you would think Katie would feel okay about the brake up because she broke up with him. However, she is not. She is more emotional and mad, confused. She is probably thinking, why? Why her? I wouldn???t care if it was someone else but it is Sierra! It does not bother me what she thinks, but it does bother Roy. I still think he has feelings for her. Anyway, so today after school my mom and I went to go pick out a dress. The one I wanted was too small; the next one that was cute was also too small. The third dress I didn???t like but I would wear it and guess what??? it was too big! So there isn???t a dress that would fit me at the cheapest store my mom could think of, and we aren???t buying one anywhere else because it would be too expensive. Then, I find one even cuter than the first one. Someone just brought it back, how could they bring back such a beautiful dress!? It was a short strapless taffeta homecoming dress. I had the perfect sandals to go with it, and it was only one-hundred-ninety dollars! My mom said my aunt could get my hair styled like Reese Witherspoon???s medium straight cut. I was so happy! I would look great tomorrow night! Roy would be in a daze, hopefully.

Tonight is homecoming and I???m really worried because Roy wasn???t at school today. I tried calling him at lunch, and when we changed for physical education, but there was no answer. Finally, in sixth hour I had one missed call. I asked Mrs. Ginger if I could used the restroom and went to go call him back. When he answered, it sounded like he just ran one-thousand miles. ???Roy???? I asked. He was on the other line huffing and puffing, not replying.
Finally, he answered me in a low almost scared to death voice, ???Who is this????
???It???s me. Sierra??? I said. ???Are you okay? You sound like you just got stabbed!??? I said worried.
???I haven???t been stabbed, I???m a vampire.???
???No! You are not a vampire! Stop saying that!??? I yelled into the phone.
???Yes Sierra I am.??? He said again
???No you???re not!??? I said.
???I???ll be at your house at six-thirty. Bye Sierra.??? He said and hung up.
???But wait. Roy???? I said and hung up.

It is five o??? clock. I kept calling Roy, no answer. Knock knock knock! ???Come in!??? I said. Mom walked in.
???Are you excited???? She asked.
???Yea.??? I replied not looking up.
???What???s the matter? Haven???t you been looking forward to tonight ever since seventh grade!???? My mom said laying my dress on the foot of my bed.
I picked up my phone, ???He hasn???t returned my calls.??? I could tell mom was a little upset. I could see in her eyes that she was looking back at her first homecoming, her first date to homecoming. I could also tell she was anxious, but I didn???t know for what.
???I know exactly how you feel.??? She said brushing my hair back with her fingers. I usually hated that but I barley seemed to notice this time. ???You need to call your aunt and tell her you are ready for her to come over and do your hair for tonight.??? She said handing me the phone.
???Okay, I will as soon as I get dressed.??? Mom got up and walked out of my room closing the door behind her. I changed, put on my necklace Roy gave me on Wednesday, and picked up the phone. I waited.
???Hello!??? My aunt said.
???Hi, aunt Chrissie!??? I said, applying lip-gloss.
???Ready for your big night!???? She said, I could hear her getting into her car.
???Yes, I???m more ready than I???ve ever been??? I said, looking through my shades of eye shadow trying to find a matching color.
???Great! I am on my way.??? She said.
???Alright see you here.??? I said and hung up. I put on my eye shadow and eyeliner. All I needed was my hair and nails.

Ding-dong! ???Hello???? Aunt Chrissie said walking in setting her purse down.
???Come on in!??? My mom said. I walked downstairs.
???Look at her,??? aunt Chrissie said gasping before she spoke. ???It reminds me of our homecoming.??? She finished.
???It sure does.??? Mom replied.
???Aunt Chrissie you???re doing my hair, and mom can you do my nails please???? I asked.
???Of course.??? Mom said walking in the kitchen. I sat down. Aunt Chrissie pulled out hair products and a hair straightener. Mom got the nail polish. They started painting and styling my hair. I looked at the clock forty-five minutes.

When they were finished, it was six fifteen. My mom took out her camera and took pictures. Then aunt Chrissie took two pictures of my mom, and I. Then Mom took pictures of me and aunt Chrissie on her camera and aunt Chrissie???s phone. The doorbell rang at six twenty-nine. When I opened the door, it turned to six-thirty. ???Sierra??? you look??? great!??? I stood in the doorway welcoming him in. Roy handed me my corsage and introduced himself to my mom and aunt. I gave him his rose to put in his suit pocket. Then my mom and aunt needed to take more pictures and finally at seven o??? clock we left.

???Roy what is going on???? I asked, ???Where were you today!???? I asked again not waiting for him to answer my first question. He did not reply at first.
???I told you what???s going on.??? He said.
???Roy, you are not a vampire, what is wrong with you? Why do you think that???? I asked. Roy didn???t say anything. When we pulled in the parking lot, Katie was arm-in-arm with Kevin. One of the receivers for our school???s football team. Roy noticed, but did not care. This made me happier, not that I was not. Roy and I walked in arm-in-arm, everyone was dancing. People were putting ballots into the box. This year any girl in the whole school could be voted homecoming queen, and any boy in the school could be voted homecoming king. The first thing we did was vote, then we sat down. ???This is nothing like I expected.??? I said. ???Did you know ever since seventh grade I dreamed of going to homecoming with you???? I said to Roy. He did not say anything; in fact, it seemed as if he wasn???t even listening!
???I need to tell you something,??? Roy said. I started to think of the last time he said that. ???You need to stay with me at all times tonight. I???ll go where ever but you can???t leave me.???
???Well what if I need to go to the bathroom???? I asked.
???I come with you.??? He replied.

We started to dance and stuff, he laughed. I laughed, and I was having a great time. The best part of the night so far was the slow dance. Then it started to get worst. I told Roy I would go get punch and say hi to my best friend. He said no but I convinced him that I was in seeing distance and I would be fine. But I wasn???t. When I turned around to get some punch, Katie came up next to me. ???Hey, so how???s the dance????
???Good.??? I replied. She got closer and I thought what in the world is she trying to do? Then I thought well maybe she put our differences behind her and was trying to be nice!
???Cool.??? She said. Then a group of people came and stood right behind us, that meant Roy could not see me. I could just see him trying not to get out of his seat, trying to let me know he trusts me for a while. Now all I wanted was for him to see me, because then Katie grabbed me and brought me outside. She picked me up and faster then I could blink, she ran me over to some trees behind the football field! Then her eyes turned red and her teeth turned into fangs. I couldn???t breath! I tried to scream but words could not come out. ???You didn???t believe Roy when he said he was a vampire, did you???? Katie asked. I didn???t say anything. ???What he does not know is that I???m a vampire myself.??? She pushed me up against a tree. Katie started walking around the tree saying, ???Now since I have you here alone, I will kill you while I can. Or, I could just bite you and then you could be one of me. You choose.??? She stopped right in front of me, literally waiting for me to choose life or death.
Then it happened. Roy out of nowhere just showed up. Then behind some bushes and trees, Katie???s friends and some other people I didn???t know, probably her family, came out and surrounded Roy and Katie. Plus, me pinned on the tree with fear. I was scared to death, but needed to show I was strong and brave. I stepped away from the tree; several ???vampires??? looked at me. I took a deep breath and walked over next to Roy. ???I do not know what the heck is going on, but I do need some explaining.??? I said turning and looking into Roy???s eyes.
???I???ll explain later,??? Roy said, not taking his eyes off Katie. ???Right now you need to go.??? Roy finished, looking at me now.
???She isn???t going anywhere.??? Katie said pointing her fingers at some of her friends signaling to hold me.
???Run!??? Roy yelled to me and leaped fifteen feet in the air landing on Katie. I started to run, but Katie???s friends or whoever they are came after me. In three seconds, they had me tighter than a boa constrictor. When I looked back at Roy Katie had him pinned on the ground. I squirmed and got free. I ran into the fight and jumped on Katie. She reversed my move and slammed me to the ground. She picked me up and threw me sixty feet. Roy got up and flew over, caught me, set me down and said something but I was too dizzy to understand. The next thing I know I hear a scream and then someone flew over me. I started running but it was so far. I kept running and stopped and thought is it really worth it? Do I want to risk my life for something that I don???t even understand? I think I love Roy, I don not know anymore. What in the world is going on? Why is this happening? Why me!? Why the perfect guy. Why is he all this? Then I heard my name being called.
???Sierra! Quick!??? Then Roy showed up and picked me up and we left.

I woke up in Roy???s truck, ???What the? Oh my god. Why? Explain please.??? I said looking at Roy, hand on my forehead. I looked in the mirror my head had bled and it dried. ???What??????? I said very confused.
???Look we need to go, now. To my place. It is about twenty-five minutes out in the middle of nowhere. I???ll explain there when you have enough sense to understand.??? Roy said looking at me with his now scary red eyes. When we got there we took about a quarter of a mile drive through his drive way and there stood a huge, beautiful house. With big glass windows??? everywhere. ???They are glass so we can see when someone???s coming.??? Roy said taking my hand. My dress was all muddy and my make up was smeared from the blood. Right when we walked in a girl maybe a year or two older than Roy gasped.
???Mom!??? She said, ???Roy brought a girl.???
???Shut up Liz!??? Roy said walking past her pulling out a chair for me to sit on.
???What happened???? Liz asked Roy.
???I???ll tell you after you clean up my girlfriend please.??? Roy said. Roy???s mom and dad came downstairs.
???Another one???? The man asked.
???Roy you know how we feel about you dating human girls. You could hurt her.??? The woman said.
???Wasn???t Katie or whatever enough???? Liz asked.
???Will you all just be quiet???? Roy said. Hurrying everywhere, he walked.
???What is the matter honey???? Roy???s mother asked.
???Katie,??? Roy began, ???She is a vampire. A bad one! She is coming, now. She???ll find Sierra and kill her!??? Roy said, locking the door and windows.
???Will someone tell me what is going on???? I asked. ???I have some sense now.??? I finished.

???My mom was a human. She met my dad, as you met me, and they dated. Got married, but dad never told her he was a vampire. After they were married, he told her. She said she wanted to live forever just like him, to be just like him. It took dad a while to get over the fact that she wanted him to bite her. He controlled himself for all those years, for nothing. He new it would happen, but he thought sooner. So he bit her. They had Liz, then me. I did not know Katie was a vampire, and if I did, I would have probably gone to homecoming with her because our parents would be more comfortable. But she didn???t want me. Because she wanted to kill you, and she knew, I would go with you. I do not know why she wants to kill you, but she does. Your in trouble Sierra, you need all the protection you can get. That is why hopefully my family could help me. Please???? Roy asked turning around looking at his parents, then Liz. ???Please. She is important.??? I now know I love Roy, those last few words came from his heart. I could see he meant it too.
???What can we do son???? Roy???s father asked. Liz had just finished up with my head; I knew this would be a long night.

Liz took me up high in the mountains above their home. We could see the whole scene, if anything happened. Liz was confident. I think I looked up to her, but was not noticing it. She told me to be quiet and if I saw something to point it out. I was ready for whatever was coming ahead of me. Liz spotted several of Katie???s crew. Somehow, she signaled her dad they were coming. Then I saw a group of five. Liz signaled her mom to move ahead about a mile or two, there would be five of them coming her way. Then I saw Katie and three of her friends plus an older man, probably an older brother or dad. They were going straight for the house, right up the driveway. That was for Roy and his two uncles to deal with. I whispered to Liz, ???I wish I could help. I feel like I could be ruining your family.???
???It isn???t the first time. My older brother had the same thing happen.??? Liz said looking at me.
???What happened to him???? I asked.
???One of the girl???s parents killed him, which ticked me off so I killed their daughter.??? Liz said not seeming to be as bothered by this conversation as I was. I just kept looking down. Then Liz blurted out ???Mom killed the five, we can leave now.???
As we were getting up I asked, ???Why do we leave????
???So they don???t catch on to us easily.??? Liz replied. Then, we were gone.

We kept moving. Liz said she could hear her brother was in trouble. She signaled to her mom, dad needed help as soon as possible. When they were done to come help Roy and the two of us at the house. We arrived at the house shortly after eleven o??? clock. Roy had killed a girl and the man. It was down to just Katie. Liz jumped in and threw Katie on the ground. Katie picked Liz up and threw her at the house; Liz pushed off the house and flung back at Katie. I got Roy up and asked if there was anything I could do. He said stay back and do not get involved. The parents showed up in a matter of minutes and had Katie down, death in just a few moments. For some reason I did not want Katie to die. I thought of something to say but, ???Wait,??? was the only thing I could say. ???Do not kill her.??? Everyone looked at me. ???Is there a way Katie can live, but be kept held hostage????
???Yes. But why???? Roy???s mother asked. I didn???t answer, Roy seemed to understand why. I knew he would soon say that to kill her would be best.
???Killing her would be best.??? Liz said, not Roy. I think Liz could hear what I was thinking and wanted to say it before Roy.
???Fine.??? I said, ???I just do not want to see it.??? I finished. Roy came over wrapped his arms around me. I pillowed my face in his shoulder.
???Go ahead Liz.??? Roy said.
???Good, she was a snob of a girlfriend!??? Liz said.
???Wait!??? Katie screamed. I looked up.
???What???? I asked.
???I look up to you. I am jealous of you Sierra. A perfect name, a confusing yet rushing life. I just wanted you gone. I???m sorry.???
I was about to cry, but I didn???t. ???Okay. You taught me something as well.??? I said.
???Go.??? Roy said. I then started crying, I did not know why. I buried my face into his shoulder, again. I heard Katie take her last breath. That was the worst thing I???ve ever heard.

Roy took my hand and walked me to his truck. He got in and started the engine. He knew I needed to leave this place but it was too late for me to go home, so he called my mom, said I had fallen asleep on the couch and I would be home tomorrow. He took me to a cabin about ten minutes away from the house. It must be the family???s cabin, but at least it wasn???t a crime scene.

The Day I Never Wanted to See

It was a nice warm, sunny Thursday in July. Both of my parents were at work, and I was home alone. I am Carly. I was sitting outside by my pool, sipping my lemonade and listening to music. My dad is president of Youngstown Insurance Company that is why we are rich. Anyway, I thought I had heard the door open but I wasn???t sure. Then it hit me - the day I never wanted to see.

I remember waking up in the back of a Ford F150, I think. There were two men in the front seats yelling at each other about directions. Ten minutes later, we drove down a dirt road in the Guatemala forests. We went inside a little cabin - it was empty, dark, and blazing hot inside.

They introduced themselves. Pete was the ???leader??? you could say of this whole abduction. He was tall, boney, and bold. Pete???s ???assistant??? Mike was broad, had muscles, and didn???t seem too fond of this idea. Pete explained to me that his daughter died because my father???s insurance company refused to support health insurance for her. He would make a ransom tape of me asking for 100 million dollars in cash by Saturday at 3 o???clock, or else my family would never see me again.

About two hours later, he videotaped me. He told me what to say and if I said anything else, he might cut off the deal and keep me forever. ???Hello mom, dad. I???m alright, these people??? Pete and Mike stepped in behind me. I hesitated to continue, ???Want 100 million dollars in cash by Saturday at 3 o???clock in front of the doughnut shop. Be there, I miss you!??? Mike stepped out of the way and turned the camera off. ???Good. Now we wait. Mike, mail the video to the girl???s parents.??? Pete smiled, as he seemed to be gazing in space.

Saturday finally came - it felt like forever! ???Hurry up, it???ll take 20 minutes to get there!??? The three of us walked to the truck. We ended up being 10 minutes early. To my surprise mom had come. Pete got out of the car and crossed the street. Mom handed him the bag, he opened it, scrambled around, and pulled out a gun. Then you people disguised as a regular person pulled out your badge and arrested him. The bag must have had-

???Fake money,??? said the police officer, interrupting me.

But how did you know?

???Well when we got the tape my partner recognized the place. The cabin was a rental. We didn???t release the tape to the public so the kidnappers would feel smart, as if they were doing the right thing and we were dumb. Then we got dressed up and waited,??? she said as she smiled and chuckled a little. ???It was a poor plan; they should have protected their location and identity better.???

So Pete and Mike were arrested. Before Mike could start the truck, I got out and ran to my mom. Then I told the police where Mike was. They chased him down and behind bars he went. I was glad to be home again, safe in my parent???s arms.

totally agree with mick. rock ur ELA teacher in writing what do u get in that class? 200%? lol u should make it into a book and sell it
113 years, 1 month & 19 days ago 15th Aug 2011 08:31
they were awsome.... i rate u out of a 1-10 a 20...... lolz.... u did a good job... u have a gift.....
113 years, 1 month & 21 days ago 13th Aug 2011 17:55
9/10 so good
113 years, 2 months & 1 day ago 2nd Aug 2011 21:29
I love it.

Though, the first one reminded me of Aladdin...

But, I like them

113 years, 3 months & 18 days ago 15th Jun 2011 20:12
  1. My Stories
    15th Jun 2011 17:39
    13 years, 3 months & 19 days ago
  2. I Have
    23rd Apr 2011 15:31
    13 years, 5 months & 13 days ago
  3. Sign Here
    23rd Apr 2011 14:24
    13 years, 5 months & 13 days ago