top of the morning
so its so sad that i had my legs broken at the age of 5 and have to drive around in a wheelchair.
Well at least im not Scottish, i mean kilts, whats up with kilts?
Do Scots really want to appeal to only gay guys o something?
okay they aere alright, well they would be if the person wearing them wore underwear
Okay, now whats up with the English, okay this wont be as bad as im half english but whats up with the prices?
a pair of jeans are ??75 here and in america they are $13. Come on whats up with that
Also, whats up with the cups of tea, i mean so much tea, well at least there isnt too many starbucks nearby.
Now Polish people, I really have nothing against most Polish people. I only hate the ones that talk Polish. They seem to think if youre untanned, youre Polish.
There are a lot of polish people wwhere i live so i think im picking up the language, unfortunately I've only seem to have learnt words like bomb.
Okay now heres the fun part, Germans. They tried conquering thw whole of Europe, but kind of got stuck in Russia, Hitler was actually a fun guy to be around, except from I have vrown hair andam Jewish.
i am gonna stop being racist now and start telling you about a vampire tasi being my dream pet and how i am gonna look after him,
You rock by the way, you should speak 3 languages at once, start off one, in the middle another and at the end the 3rd one.
I'm not gonna say that Irish people are the best but we are.
I mean potatoes are known worldwide, as american people are worldwide, as they are that fat.
I mean mcdonalds is evil, but nobody seems to care, i youve eaten something your whole life, you wont stop, so blame the parents.
And the americans saying we have accents, excuse me, its our language, we speak it the right way, you are the ones with the accents, come on we go to America and then we get made fun of because of our "accent", no we get made fun of because were different, skinny, smarter, better at sport, apart from basketball.
I'm going to end this here, no offense to anyone, whos antionality was mentioned, Charlie said i could do this, so i did.
Thanks for reading
again sorry for spelling mistakes