Caballo Bonito Stables.
13 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
4th Feb 2011 11:06 On a farm, somewhere in the Midwest US, there lies a stable. This stable has been fabled for many years to have some of the most original caballos, or horses, that exist. Many breeders have brought in plain colored horses, and come out with exquisite variations, some with different symbols, some just a mixture of colors, some with antenna and probosces! There is a rumor that an old witch lives on this farm, and performs odd experiments with the DNA from other animals and items and uses them to mutate these horses. If you're lucky, you may be able to spot one! Heck, if you're luckier still, you may be able to buy one!
Rules of The Stable.
+ Each horse will be original. I will NOT do customs unless I LA a custom caballo.
+Stallions and mares will be able to breed, and geldings will be genderless. If you choose to have a colt, or purchase a colt, it will NEVER be able to breed.
+All breeding will have a blending effect of colors, and appendages. Choose wisely who you breed with.
+Males and females make look the same. Don't worry, I'll know which ones are boy and girl. Besides, maybe the witch will change your DNA... Hmmm.
+As of right now, this is experimental. I only have the one right now, and no stallions or geldings. They are proving tricky to pixel, but they WILL happen.
+When breeding occurs, it will be 30k for you if you own both, 15k each if you choose another person's caballo to breed with. I know, it's expensive, but do you realize I pixel each by hand, on paint, with a mouse? I also work, and am going back to school. I have a life, too.