about me and my pet.
13 years, 11 months & 9 days ago
16th Jan 2011 20:11 hey guys if you read my info you would know most about me.you should know all my fav's and besties.
you know cutie-patutie549 is trying to be a model.right now she's only in elementary so she needs to focus on school work,but cutie-patutie549 and i decided that shes becoming a model.me and my other pets haven't decided yet but there in school too!it's a little hard cause i have 8 other pets.
enough about cutie-patutie549 lets talk about me!i think that marapets is awesome all of my friends are awesome!i've haven't been on this website for a very long time but i'm planning too!also you can help me out by letting me know how to do certain things.BYE!