14 years, 2 months & 22 days ago
24th Oct 2010 15:52 "Sometimes I still stare into space and think about Cameron. I think about how there are certain people who come into your life, and leave a mark."
From the book Sweethearts By Sara Zarr
"When the monitors flat line i wait to see some change in her. and then i feel it, as her heart stops beating beneath my palm that tiny loss of rhythm, that hallow calm, that utter loss."
From My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picult
"I'm not saying we're all waiting around for prince charming's kiss, not at all: but every woman i know needs to believe, somewhere inside herself that she can be loved-that she can inspire love in someone else, be it man, women, reptile, or alien as yet undiscovered. That she can deserve it."
Cathy's Ring By Sean Stewart
And the ones on my profile thing