Goals Game
14 years, 4 months & 10 days ago
18th Aug 2010 07:05 *http://www.marapets.com/baspinar.php
You need to own any Armoured coloured pet
You need to own limited edition Viotto pet
You need to own any Chocolate coloured pet
You need to refer a new player to Marapets with the Referral System
You need to own any Voodoo coloured pet
You need to own any Space Fairy coloured pet
You need to complete level 10 or higher at the Rubbish Dump mission
You need to own any Underwater coloured pet
You need to own any Skater coloured pet
You need to have every Ball of Yarn in your Inventory
Complete 50 or more Puchalla Inn quests
You need to own any Nefarious coloured pet
Wait for a news update for new levels to be added to these goals