Roleplaying >> DuskClan
14 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
5th Aug 2010 09:56 Duskclan:
Leader:[Crazy!] Cloudstar- A small silver she-cat with a very white face and bright blue eyes (x2 lives)
Apprentice: None
Deputy: Summerglade-Summerglade- Ginger she-cat with lively amber eyes
Apprentice: None
Whitestone-White tom with amber eyes and black feet
Thunderpelt- Large grey tom with emerald eyes and a stubbed tail
Rainfall- Mottled white and silver she-cat with amber eyes
Deertail- Brown tabby tom with a white underbelly (white under his tail) and green eyes
Lionheart- Ginger, long-furred tom with amber eyes
Mousepaw- Small light-brown tabby she-cat with green eyes
Mentor: Summerglade
-[dead...or going to be]Rockpaw- Stone-y colored tom with white around the nose and underbelly and pale blue eyes
Mentor Wingflight [dead]
Birdpaw-Tiny brown tabby with black around her ears, paws, and chest
Mentor: Hazelfoot [dead]
-Barkpaw[dead]- brown tabby tom with brilliant emerald eyes
Mentor: Thunderpelt
[lost]Silverpaw- silver she-kit with white ears, paws, and underbelly with bright blue eyes
Mentor: Rainfall
[lost]Wrenpaw- Blue/white tom with blue eyes
Mentor: Deertail
Rosepool- Fiery red she-cat with orange eyes and white-flecked paws
Kits: None
Elders: None
Shadowtail and Rosepool [Rainfall, Lionheart, and Riverstep]
Weaselheart and Wingflight [Deertail and Whitestone]
Cloudstar and Hazelfoot [Silverpaw, Barkpaw, Wrenpaw]
Riverstep and Thunderpelt [Mousepaw and Rockpaw]
Birdpaw and Fireheart [none]
Family Trees: [name] = dead *= Cragstar's side
[Longheart&Silverfire] > Cloudstar/[Flywing]/*Longclaw/Rosepool
[Duckfeather] > None
Flowerpelt > *Shadowtail/Hazelfoot/[Weaselheart]/[Frostfur]
Cloudstar&[Hazelfoot] > Silverpaw/[Barkpaw]/Wrenpaw
Rosepool&Shadowtail > Rainfall/Lionheart/Riverstep
[Wingflight]&[Weaselheart] > Deertail/Whitestone
Riverstep&Thunderpelt > Mousepaw/Rockpaw
[Unknown] > Thunderpelt/Summerglade/*Foxpaw