Avatar help
14 years, 5 months & 21 days ago
26th Jul 2010 09:56 45 New avatars, heres some solutions!
1. Andy:
2. Anubis: Complete level 20 Temple of Transformation.
3. Blooble: Complete Zyranek Goal 22.
4. Bonehead: Buy from minipet shop.
5. Bush: Complete Gigantic Paradise Goal 22.
6. Candy: Complete Candyland Goal 22.
7. Charley: Complete Dukka Goal 22.
8. Cherub: Buy from minipet shop.
9. Devan: Buy from minipet shop.
10. Dino:
11. Dragula: Complete Baspinar Goal 22.
12. Farley: Buy from minipet shop.
13. Flaydor: Complete Biala Goal 22.
14. Grimmus:
15. Hick:
16. Hippow:
17. Horus: Complete level 20 Temple of Transubstantiation.
18. Ian: Look at his profile + Have more MP than him.
19. Indy: Send Indygo a worm.
20. Ivor:
21. Izzy:
22. James: Complete Jenoa Goal 22.
23. Kouki: Buy from minipet shop.
24. Kronos: Buy from minipet shop.
25. Lush: Complete Lush Lake Goal 22.
26. Middy: Send Midnightsunrise a fish minipet.
27. Neek:
28. Neesta: Buy from minipet shop.
29. Orville:
30. Pippin: Buy from minipet shop.
31. Plump: Look at your pet that has eaten gourmet food. (Amount is unknown.)
32. Puff: Complete Minipet Goal 22.
33. Pugwash:
34. Sewage:
35. Shea: Buy from minipet shop.
36. Sheepbow: Buy from minipet shop.
37. Shilpy: Complete Eleka Goal 22.
38. Skullington: Buy from minipet shop.
39. Sobek: Complete level 20 Temple of Transmogrification.
40. Spirit:
41. Thracius:
42. Treat: Complete Undying Woods Goal 22.
43. Vikee: Buy from minipet shop.
44. Loyal: Look at loyalty prizes.
45. Shaggy: Send poop to Shaggybear.
Achieved avatars: