Pippen <33
14 years, 6 months & 28 days ago
18th Jun 2010 22:25 I decided to write this blog because of all that's happened lately and how she's always been my supporter.
This sounds ridiculously cheesy already. I can't help myself. I'm a mushball.
Most of my friends left mara. So, I was kinda down about that.
Then, pippen mm's me because we were old friends. As we started talking, I realized why we became friends in the first place.
She understands me. She listens to my complaints. She is sooo generous.
And when she gave me one of her chibs (Navaiya), it pushed me over the top. This girl deserves, no NEEDS, a blog dedicated to her.
She is that amazing.<33
Pippen - Thanks for having my back. Thanks for understanding me even though I'm crazy. ;D