Poison Pit Log
8 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
3rd Oct 2016 16:43 You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 114 BP!
You dipped Dark Chocolate Chibs into the Poison Pit and...
GabrielleAmelia has gained 1 balance stats
You dipped Long Green Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
LunLumon has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped Chocolate Strawberry Easter Egg into the Poison Pit and...
Nolansaeg has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped Rowan into the Poison Pit and...
Nieh has gained 1 health stats
You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Blumbus has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Blue Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
Adlaw has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Addow Eraser into the Poison Pit and...
ToeBeans has gained 1 balance stats
You dipped Acid Yellow Eyebrow Tint into the Poison Pit and...
Relinquishment has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped A to Z of Undying Woods into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped 5th Birthday Card into the Poison Pit and...
Nieh has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped Apple Muffin into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Addow Eraser into the Poison Pit and...
Blumbus has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped Addow Pencil into the Poison Pit and...
Coestar has gained 1 balance stats
You dipped Addow Poop into the Poison Pit and...
Lucyne has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Air Conditioner Compressor into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 5 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
flawed has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Basil Survivor Mug into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 balance stats!
You dipped Red Paffuto Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 200 RP
You dipped Alternator into the Poison Pit and...
Fufluns has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped 5th Birthday Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
Coestar has gained 3 coordination stats
You dipped Angel Candy Heart into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 200 RP!
You dipped Addow Notepad into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 104 RP!
You dipped ABS Brakes into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 144 RP!
You dipped Antenna into the Poison Pit and...
GabrielleAmelia has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Orange Chocolate Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Relinquishment has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Gigantic Fairy Mallet into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Ball Joint Skin!-
You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Fabulinus has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped 4 Years Cake into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 228 BP!
You dipped Air Conditioner Compressor into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 strength stats!
You dipped Purple Healing Potion into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 110 RP!
You dipped 5th Birthday Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
Nolansaeg has gained 1 strength stats
You dipped Addow in a Barrel into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 14 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Addow Ruler into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato!-
You dipped Mozzarella Dippers into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pie!-
You dipped Walee Dagger into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Addow Poop into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 104 BP!
You dipped Wizard Book into the Poison Pit and...
Nieh has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Speiro Poop into the Poison Pit and...
Fabulinus has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped Wave Blue Wallpaper into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 163 RP!
You dipped Addow Wand into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 4,585 MP!
You dipped 4 Years Cake into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 7 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Paperclips into the Poison Pit and...
LunLumon has gained 1 speed stats
You dipped Amethyst Infused Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
Fabulinus has gained 1 speed stats
You dipped 4 Years Cake into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Starry Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
Lucyne has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped A Bone of Ham into the Poison Pit and...
It's now a retired Poera Magazine Oct 2012!!!-
You dipped Air Conditioner Compressor into the Poison Pit and...
Nolansaeg has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped 5th Birthday Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 103 BP!
You dipped 4 Years Cake into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 217 RP!
You dipped Green Candycane into the Poison Pit and...
Nolansaeg has gained 1 strength stats
You dipped 5th Birthday Balloon into the Poison Pit and...
LunLumon has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped Rusty Stamp into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 181 BP!
You dipped Snookle Ruler into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Zetlian Dagger into the Poison Pit and...
Fufluns has gained 1 strength stats
You dipped Green Round Table into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 115 BP!
You dipped Fake Three Dukka Coin into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 156 RP!
You dipped Alternator into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 164 BP!
You dipped Alternator into the Poison Pit and...
LunLumon has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped Small Espresso Macchiato into the Poison Pit and...
Nolansaeg has gained 1 health stats
You dipped Standard Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato!
You dipped Santa Tree Decoration into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 6 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Alternator into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Giant Red Apple into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 1,610 MP!
You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and..
Nolansaeg has gained 1 health stats
You dipped Brain Cookies into the Poison Pit and...
Nuan has gained 3 health stats
You dipped Cepheus into the Poison Pit and...
NippyNoodles has gained 3 speed stats
You dipped Bacon Cheeseburger into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Volcanic Skin-
You dipped Pull Along Dracone into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 220 BP!
You dipped Blood Candy Apple into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Jelly!
You dipped Blue Eye Appetiser into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 3,318 MP!
You dipped Basic Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
GabrielleAmelia has gained 1 speed stats
You dipped Small Hot Chocolate and Marshmallow into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 197 BP!
You dipped Grey Short Skirt into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 245 BP!
You dipped White Bread into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Wooden Nymph Skin!-
You dipped Banana into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Addow Ride Gun into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Mint Chocolate Feliz into the Poison Pit and...
It's now a retired Speiro Magazine Apr 2016!!!
You dipped Frozen Banana into the Poison Pit and...
Lardi has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped Mango Soft Serve into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 186 BP!
You dipped Basic Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Tuxedo Cat Skin!-
You dipped Blue Seat Belt into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 137 BP!
You dipped Bonus Clothing #78 into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 14 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Small Cinnamon Dolce Creme into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Orange Chocolate Paffuto into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Small Hot Chocolate and Marshmallow into the Poison Pit and...
Nieh has gained 1 stamina stats
You dipped Steel Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 144 MP!
You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 240 RP!
You dipped Blue Eye Appetiser into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 178 BP!
You dipped Brown Steering Wheel into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 235 BP!
You dipped Blue Eye Appetiser into the Poison Pit and...
Charyssah has gained 1 speed stats
You dipped Green Party Lei into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 238 BP!
You dipped Yellow Equilor Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Milk Chocolate Rofling into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Red Back Seat into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 7 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Banana Split into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 220 RP!
You dipped Flab Jumbo Pencil into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 2,079 MP!
You dipped Basic Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 defence stats!
You dipped Copper Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
NippyNoodles has gained 2 defence stats
You dipped Blue Seat Belt into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 196 BP!
You dipped Dark Chocolate Yakubi into the Poison Pit and...
Charyssah has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Angel Candy Heart into the Poison Pit and...
Buboola has gained 1 speed stats
You dipped Blue Seat Belt into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 199 RP!
You dipped Alternator into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Brown Steering Wheel into the Poison Pit and...
Fabulinus has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Shabby Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
Lardi has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped 10th Birthday Card into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato!
You dipped Spider Salad into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Grave Shaped Cake into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 164 BP!
You dipped Antenna into the Poison Pit and...
NippyNoodles has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
All of your pets have gained 1 defence stats!
You dipped Silver Simple Trap into the Poison Pit and...
Luhca has gained 1 defence stats
You dipped Brown Steering Wheel into the Poison Pit and...
Sanjiv has gained 1 balance stats
You dipped Glitched Contact Lenses into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Axle into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 4,140 MP!
You dipped Satyr Action Figure into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 5 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 105 RP!
You dipped Brain Cookies into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 8 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Brain Cookies into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 5 Olympic Pts!
You dipped Alfalfa Sprouts into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 4,891 MP!
You dipped Bottled Blood into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Fish Tails into the Poison Pit and...
flawed has gained 1 balance stats
You dipped Blue Firefly Trap into the Poison Pit and...
Buboola has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Modest Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
Sabbiosa has gained 1 coordination stats
You dipped Ant Trap into the Poison Pit and...
Zayni has gained 1 level stats
You dipped Ant Trap into the Poison Pit and...
It disappeared.
You dipped Copper Pickaxe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pearl!
You dipped White Chocolate Chibs into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 190 RP!
You dipped Bronze Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Drink!
You dipped Blue Firefly Trap into the Poison Pit and...
Fabienne has gained 1 strength stats
You dipped Bottled Blood into the Poison Pit and...
It's now 8 Olympic Pts!