April 25th 2010, New things
14 years, 8 months & 3 days ago
25th Apr 2010 09:14 Well I've been in and out of Mara recently and learned a lot about how the mara uploads are no longer around which doesn't surprise me which in turn bites considering I did pay for upgrades to my mara uploads in the tune of nearly 200 bucks in the 5 years I've been here... (and ppl wonder why now I'm not here as much anymore) loosing out on things I invested in even if they are "donations" still bites... because I put WORK as far as I'm concerned into all that I do even for this PET SITE... I want to help people and provide a "reliable" service to those who asked for a hand, unfourtunally I lost over 18000 images when the site went down and there's no way to get them all back. If I could I would...
Anyway thou on a positive note even thou I've been working non stop lately I've been making the effort to update my web site for my mara pals and friends who use my HTML services. The club layouts are now up and running again (abit thou there's only 12 currently avaliable, more will show soon so bear with me I do work outside my home and I'm gone for up to 12 hours a day) most of the marasites are also avaliable again as well through ordering so if you wish
mail me I check back in here at least once a day to see how things are and to update
I hope all my friends are doing well and I miss those I use to talk to
chat soon and if you have ideas comments or just want to drop a line please do
I'd be nice to hear from you!