14 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
16th Apr 2010 06:21 cosss I felt like writing a new story and because it's hawt. kthanx
Chapter one. Let's get ready to rumble.
Death. Suicide. I had considered that optio after school. I couldn't face it any more. The demand to be part of the populars so you could sit at the table. I wouldn't be seen dead near that table. A car was coming. I knew if I didn't do it now I never would and the insults, beatings and trips to the hospital would increase. Social services thought it was my mum but it was my fellow classmates all acting like sheep so they got to hang with the wolves. If I had to be an animal I would be a cat and show those sheeps what big idiots they are but oh well for now I'll be human. For a few seconds. The speed it was going it would hurt me but that wouldn't kill me. I had a knife in my pocket and had over dosed on paracetemol. The knife angled so it would pierce my side as the tires hit me. The hospital was far and so I stepped forward. The car hit me and I was flung into the wall but I felt nothing. Dead the moment I placed my foot on the road. Dead the moment I angled the dagger. Dead the moment I refused to sit next to the populars. I found myself in a tunnel a simple tunnel up ahead I could see white just white. White clouds, white houses, white castles all white. All pure. Shame I was going to hell. I liked the colour white. Still I found my body walking towards the whiteness. As I walked the tunnel began to fade. Colours turned to normal now people were wearing Nike trainers. Clothes they had died in I guessed but why was I here. Unless the car kept going. If they hadn't stopped to help me then would they register it as murder? Or not. I guess heaven was alright until the dude with the big wings mentioned I would be going to the sanctuary. To learn. Sh1t I died to get away from school and now I go up to heaven and find I'm going to be learning until I either chose to be a protector or fighter. Fighting angels. You learn something new every day. He handed me a pencil and then told me to write down my name. I wrote down my name but he looked shocked then I remembered. Eli translated to God in some languages.
"My name is Eli woods" I said.
"Well I guess that would be ok just be sure to repent at the church"
Church. Ok hell looks weird.