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  1. Roleplaying Jewels blog.
    23rd Jan 2010 19:49
    14 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Roleplay charries Please do not steal!!!
    17th Jan 2010 14:34
    14 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
Roleplaying Jewels blog.
14 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
23rd Jan 2010 19:49

Each new post will be separated by to spaces example:

Storyline:The midnight forest was a peaceful place for the wolfs until the hunter moved in they ransacked there villages and killed it wolf members now the wolves are out for revenge! A all out battle has started in midnight forest which side will win or will they make peace?

Story:Allisyn sat down on her bed with a weary sigh. Today had been a long one. She and Lyran had been up since dawn hunting wolves, yet they had found nothing. It was as if the wolves had disapeared off of the face of the earth, though she knew that wasn't true. They were out there, somewhere.

Lyran watched Allisyn. They were both tired, but she was his charge, which meant her health came first. he could worry about himself later.

A single howl rose from the midnight forest a solid white wolf ran from out of the safety of the bushes "why are you here Nala?" The white wolf spoke with bared teeth! "A waring to you 2 warriors will rise form the edge of the forest to bring the wolfs down the are connected so watch out!" Thank you Nala but we can take care of are people with that she pounce and swiftly killed her then dragged her back to the camp!

Allisyn looked up at Lyran, and smield at him. Lyran was her partner, and she really did love him. He was her best friend.

Lyran smiled back at Allisyn, and walked over before sitting beside her on the bed. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and Allisyn leaned her head against his shoulder.

As Kari dragged the lifeless body back to camp. A urge struck her! she dropped Nala and ran to the edge of the woods a small house stood there. Enchanting. She looked thought the window she saw 2 people! HUNTERS! before she could run away they spotted here!

Allisyn's eyes immediatley spotted the wolf. She grinned wickedly, and stood up. This was perfect. Now she could finally get some hunting done. She took a step forward, and collapsed to her knees. She was too exhausted. She couldn't move anymore.

Lyran watched Allisyn go down, and was immediatley by her side. "Are you alright?" he asked her, scooping her up into his arms, and placing her on the bed, the wolf forgotten.

Kari had sent a wave of tiredness and escaped. She an back to Nala's corpse a note was left 'you killed Nala this means war!'

Kari knew it was true

She had a sleepless night but she remembered that boy before but where where...

Allisyn nodded her head weakly, and drifted off into sleep.

Lyrna smiled, and took off her boots. He removed his own, and tucked her under the blanket before climbing in himself, and wrapping his arms around her waist. He smiled, and fell asleep.

The next day Kari decide to hunt! She got the best hunting pack."Kari um... are we going to w-w-war?" Toni
"No child were going hunting" "Ok" said the weary wolf pup

Allisyn awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. She groaned, and turned over in bed, looking at Lyran. His eyes were already open, and he was smiling sleepily at her.

"Good morning" Lyran said. He could feel Allisyn's headache through her thoughts, and sent a calming wave through her mind. This would make her feel better.

As the wolf pack hunted they gathered 2x Deer 1x Elk 1x hunter 7x rabbit and 10x bird. Kai was feeling proud she killed another hunter! That feeling was soon swept away by... a pack of hunters! They were on a mission to attack the wolf camp she told them to transform in to half wolf half human and carry what the could "Rex alert the guards this is war!!!

Allisyn stroked Lyran's face, and then jumped out of bed, leaping over him. She landed on her feet with a laugh, and went over to the bathroom to change.

Lyran rolled his eyes, and sat up in bed. He was still tired, but he should probably get up and prepare their breakfast. When Allisyn was done in the bathroom, he'd go and change as well.

Rex ran a fast as he inhumanly could. Tears streaming down his cheeks, A he approach the camp his worst fears became real. Hunters had surrounded the camp and where attacking! He was to late. the barriers surrounding the camp where somewhat effective 3..4..5!, Hunters where kabobed! Then he heard it! "Help!!!" "Toni!" he said under his breath! "Help!!!" Toni said in a horse voice! "Help!!!" Rex ran as fast as his legs would take him! But he was to late the Hunter had already drained him off is blood threw his lifeless body on the ground and went after Rex. Big mistake! Rex was madder than a bull in a rodeo! He charged! He hit him in his stomach knocking him to his knees! he ripped out his fangs then slit his thought before he died he said "...this is only the beginning..."

His words where true

Allisyn quickly washed her face, and changed out of the hunting outfit she had worn yesterday. Today she'd wear a loose, short-sleeved, white shirt, and a pair of tan breeches. Her boots were still by the bed, so she'd grab them later. She exited out of the bathroom, and walked over to the stove where Lyran was cooking.

"Done already?" he asked her, turning around, and setting the pan of omelette on the already fully laid table. Allisyn rolled her eyes, and sat down at the table as Lyran took his turn in the bathrrom to change.

Rex ran in blind furry threw the woods it was to much to handle! He threw his head down and ran the thorns scraped his pelt blood ran down his pelt! BOOM!!! he hit someones door Ow knocked unconscious turned back into human and blood running down himself two people walked on the porch two connected hunters!

Allisyn froze when she heard the slam against their door, and the sound of some human saying ow. She ran over to the bathroom, and pounded on the door. "Lyran, I think there's someone outside!" she called.

Lyran came out of the bathroom, fully changed in a pair of black breeches and a loose blue shirt. "Let's go check it out" he told Allisyn calmly, taking her hand in his, and leading her outside onto their front porch. There, they saw a hurt human boy with wolf ears on his head. He was a werewolf.

Allisyn gasped, and kneeled beside the hurt wolf boy. "Are you alright?" she asked him, reaching a hand out, extremely worried. If he'd let her, she could try healing him, though he might not fully heal.

Lyran frowned, and stood behind Allisyn. If the wolf boy tried anything, he'd have him unconcious faster than he could blink.

Rex could not open his eyes but he new he was going somewhere what just happened he reached out only to receive a sharp sting he yelped! wait he heard of this place there hunters he tried to jump up but it was to painful then he suddenly drifted asleep...

Allisyn watched the young wolf boys face as he drifted off into a fretful sleep. He couldn't go against her now. She pressed her palm against his forehead, and closed her eyes. She moved healing energy from her body into his, and moved it to the areas where he was wounded.

Lyran watched as pure white light engulfed both Allisyn and the wolf boy. He knew she was trying to heal the boy, and he stood and patiently waited as wound after wound closed up and disapeared.

2 hours later w-w-what happened to me? then it suddenly hit him get away from me evil hunter he bared him teeth but just looking funny because he was human! he looked at his arms his wounds where gone! and so was his shirt what happened to me and my shirt?

Allisyn sat back. Healing the boy had drained her. She leaned her head against Lyran's eyes, and looked up at him pleadingly. She was too tired to explain.

Lyran smiled down at her, and then looked at the wolf boy. "Allisyn healed you young one. She had to get rid of your shirt though because it was blood soaked. Be grateful. If she hadn't taken care of you, you'd be dead by now."

Thank you Hunter! Am grateful but not to you. Rex said to Lyran.When I get my strength back I will leave but there only one way I need wolfsbane a plant that only grows in our wolf camp. I need wolfsbane and a shirt! He said with a half smile half sneer

Lyran rolled his eyes. "I'll get you your wolfsbane you idiot. We picked some a few weeks ago, when we were on better terms with you wolves. Then, if I give you one of my spare shirts, will you leave and promise not to come back?" he asked, scooping Allisyn up into his arms.

Allisyn snuggled in closer, and with a happy sigh closed her eyes. Healing people was always tiring for her. Sometimes though, her gift didn't work, yet it still caused her to feel drained.

No I need fresh wolfs bane and never call me a idiot also ok with the shirt! but when where we ever in good terms? You huters so rudely took our forest

Lyran rolled his eyes at the wolf pup. "When my partner and I were not enlisted into the hunters guild, we used to get along quite well with the wolf packs in this forest. Of course, that was obviously before your time, kid" Lyran replied mockingly.

"No arguing" Allisyn muttered, opening her eyes, and looking pleadingly at the young wolf boy.

Quit calling me a kid am 26 years old and why do you hunt wolfs if you arn't in the guild? And I will quit argguing because you have a little wolf in you...

"We weren't always in the guild. When they found out about our powers, we were forced to join. We didn't have much of another choice." Lyran replied, looking away.

Allisyn sighed, and kept her eyes glued to the wolf boy. "We don't really like hunting wolves, but if we didn't then we'd be killed." Allisyn added, pain and sorrow filling her voice.

I understand instead of hunting our group hunt the sea cliffs they attack our camp yearly always at are weakness... oh no!!! there going to attack our camp i have to get back to camp!!! Rex tried to get up but the pain was unbearable! Please help! And i will tell are camp to spare you trust me even at this state I could kill you like that! he snapped his fingers.

Lyran laughed coldly. "As if you could hurt us. I'd have you unconcious before you could even move." he hissed back at the boy.

Allisyn rolled her eyes, and jumped out of Lyran's arms to land beside the wolf boy on his other side. "We'll help you, but I want to know you name first." she replied, and helped the boy to his feet.

My name is Rex tailed! Hey I can walk wait wheres m-m-my tail? he twistest around what the &*@$ My Tail is gone!

Allisyn giggled. "You mean this thing?" she asked, tugging at the fluffy wolf tail sticking out of his butt. Of course he couldn't see it. No normal person was flexible enough to see that far back, even if they were a werewolf.

No I used to have two tail and watch, Rex bent back and stuch his head between his legs. uh am stuck can you help

bic: "Two tails? Is that normal?" asked Allisyn with a frown. She unbent Rex, and giggled once he was straight again.

Lyran watched all of this with a stright face though on the inside he was laughing. Vampires and werewolves were normally enemies. Today though, they were getting along impeccably.

"Well no not really but I was the son of the great Tyran Tailed. he had 2 tails so it was only right for me to have two to. Am sorry for giving you a hard time my father was killed by hunters so..." Rex went silent and he collapsed on the floor...

"Are you ok?" Allisyn cried, and dropped to her knees beside Rex's unconcious boday.

"He's just tired." Lyran said to calm her, and scooped him up into his arms. He walked back into the house, and set Rex on their bed.

"Sorry bad memories, They just caused me to-to-to faint. I need fresh wolfsbane its a matter of life or death!" and with that his Wolfy ear shrunk back into his head"Oh no its happening!"

"What's happening?" Allisyn asked calmly. In a situation like this, she knew it was best not to panic. Taking care of patients had taught her that much.

Lyran watched the two of them. He could tell that they had developed some sort of connection, but he still couldn't tell whether it would be harmful or not.

"Its called Dewolfing I have to have fresh wolfsbane to live. I remember you have some dried wolfsbane can I have a little? My ears would come back! Oh back to Dewolfing, DW make you not be able to change and if you can't change you die..." Rex trailed off "Or worse..."

Allisyn nodded her head. She had heard of that before, when she was still friends with the wolves. She turned around, and went over t the little kitchen adn began to rummage through teh cupboards. She finally found the jar with the wolfsbane in it, and she threw it to Lyran.

Lyran caught the jar, and handed it to Rex. Hopefully, this would make him better.

"I can only eat 2 at a time, but what if I eat 3?" Rex popped 3 in to his mouth his eyes began to twitch he grabbed his fully grown wolf ears (which were now dark brown) and then stuck out his tongue. He fell of his chair and started rolling on the floor! He sprang up and his eyes where red and beady he sprung and grabbed Allisyn's arm he opened his mouth and...

Lyran growled in anger, and grabbed the boy's arm. The next second Rex was on the floor unconcious.

Allisyn looked down at Rex, concerned. "Did you have to knock him out?" she asked Lyran, scooping Rex up into her arms, and laying him out on the bed.

2 hours later: "What was that? uhhh my head!" He spotted Lyran "Why did you do that? Its called wolfbane fever it gose away in a minute and I wasn't going to bite her I was going to lick her! Because I was in dog form to show thanks! you know no thanks am leaving!" Rex got up and walked to the door a loud thud came from it." whats that?" Run Allisyn mouthed. Rex ran and hide under the couch. 6 Hunters bursted thought the door. "OH great" thought Rex

"Yes?" Allisyn asked the hunters, glaring at them angrily.

Lyran moved to Allisyn's side, and placed his hand on his sword, ready to draw it at a moment's notice.

Shaking from under the couch Rex decided to go into cute mode!...

"Have you two seen a young wolf boy? We have repotrs of witnesses seeing him come into this house." one of the hunters siad, stepping forwards.

"I'm sorry, but we haven't seen anyone. We were just about to go on a huntign trip ourselves." Lyran replied, gritting his teeth together.

Allisyn smiled, in part becuase Rex actually did sound like a dog, and also becuase the fact he was doing something like this was pretty funny.

"That's just our pet dog. He wants us to take him out for a walk." Lyran said, barely concealing a smirk.

:"Not so fast I smell wolf." Said one of the hunters. Rex needed to get outside b-bu-but how? DING a light bulb went off in his head! He walked up to a hunted and peed on his leg!

what a long story...
114 years, 6 months & 20 days ago 13th Mar 2010 22:34
  1. Roleplaying Jewels blog.
    23rd Jan 2010 19:49
    14 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Roleplay charries Please do not steal!!!
    17th Jan 2010 14:34
    14 years, 8 months & 15 days ago