This is really weird!
14 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
7th Jan 2010 06:33 1. What???s your name?
2. Age?
3. How long will it take for you to fill this out?
15-22 min
4. What???s one word that you hate?
Hate. I don't like the word Hate!
5. Not to make you seem conceited but, do you think that you???re attractive?
I don't know. (but guys look at me all the time, don't know about that............)
6. Broken any hearts lately?
7. What song are you listening to right now?
Love Story by Taylor Swift
8. Do you know all the words to it?
Of Course!
9. When was the last time that you played truth or dare?
Couple weeks ago
10. Are you more likely to pick truth or dare?
Truth, I love the personal questions, they make my heart beat loudly!
11. Why?
As I said, I like personal questions
12. Do you remember the last dream that you had?
Yeah, and it was the weirdest one EVER!
14. Do you have an msn?
No, all I even know about it is that you chat to people!
15. Do you add random people?
Don't have MSN, but I never add anyone random on anything!
16. Crayons maybe. or markers?
17. How would you label yourself?
18. Are you generally mean or nice?
19. If you were told that you had one day left to live, what would you do?
Have a wonderful day and have the most fun I've ever had!
20. Do you plan ahead or just let things play out?
Plan Ahead, I don't know why, but it's better for the person I am, I think.
21. What???s your secret obsession?
22. Got an aphrodisiac?
23. What???s your best friend???s name, both on the internet and irl?
On the internet: Natalie
In real life: Megan
24. Can you solve Einstein???s riddle WITHOUT any help?
I don't know. I think I may have tried last year but I don't know. ????
25. What???s your IQ?
Something over 150, I think
26. Pancakes or Waffles?
27. How does your room look?
Always Tidy, Things always in the right place.
28. Is it clean?
Always Clean
29. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
30. Nightlight?
31. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Squillo's (Type of Cereal)
32. How important does a person have to be before they are considered murdered or assassinated?
If you know someone who hates you they could assassinate you!
33. Do you know who John Lennon is? I???m not talking about the Beatles member either.
I only know John Lennon from the Beatles!
34. What???s the most annoying stereotype?
I don't know if this counts, but, really mean people!
35. Do you get offended easily?
If I'm in a really bad mood.
36. When was the last time that you said ???I love you??? to one of your parents?
Couple days ago
37. What about the last time you offered to help one of them?
Usually everyday, but not yet today!
38. Are you spoiled?
Only by my Grandparents!
39. If you had to give up something what would it be: sight, hearing, or any means of communication? NO SIGN LANGUAGE EITHER.
Sight, so I could listen to music and the radio, but it's a tough choice!
40. What was the last book that you were into?
Spud. It's a good book, I don't know if the sell overseas though!
41. Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?
42. Do you believe in a higher power?
Umm, yeah....
43. Do you pray?
EVERYDAY! Morning and evening (Sometimes in the afternoon as well)
44. When something goes wrong and you???re in trouble, do you say a ???prayer????
Yes, always, I trust in God to help me with what goes wrong!
45. What do you think happens when people die?
If you're good heaven, bad pergetory then either heaven or hell
46. Wouldn???t it suck if you died and it turned out that there was in fact a higher power and you ignored it all of your life?
47. What do you think of the death penalty?
Not good.....
48. Would you ever sue someone?
Yes, if they did something very bad!
49. How many pillows are on your bed?
0 or 1
50. Mac or a PC?
51. If you have a Mac, how many viruses have you had?
If never had any viruses on any computer I've had!
52. PC losers, answer the question too. =]
53. Do you doodle?
54. If you were given the opportunity to meet people that you???ve met through the internet would you?
Alot of them, but a couple people I've talked to once sound a bit dodgy!
55. Do you give your number out over the internet?
56. In all honesty, who do you like better, your internet friends or your real life friends?
I love them all! They are all real life friends in my heart. Even though I talk to them only on the internet they're still real!
57. Would you give your heart up if you knew a close relative needed it?
If one if my closest relatives did (Eg. my brother) he is my closest relative, we tell each other EVERYTHING!
58. Do you give your spare change to the homeless?
Yes, and clothes and toys!
59. Do you give gifts during the holidays?
60. What???s your least favorite saying/expression?
What comes around, goes around. (Unless it's really worth it)
61. If you could talk to a person, that has already passed on, who would it be?
My friends daddy
62. Do you believe in the supernatural?
Huh? (I do sound dumb, but I'm not, I'm 10)
63. Political party?
64. Do you want kids?
65. If your best friend got pregnant tomorrow, would you still be her best friend or would you let your friendship fade? Ha, be honest.
GOSH! I'm 10!
66. Illegal or legal music?
Legal, I always try to follow the rules!
67. What???s the name of your most annoying family member?
Maggie, my older sister!
68. Have you gone skinny dipping before?
Yes, when I was 6, my friend and I were actually talking about that an hour ago!
69. How did you come across this quiz? xD
Saw it on Queenofthemonkey's (jojo's) profile!
70. Say ???ily??? to someone, then post their reply:
Me: ILY Jack(Imaginary Person)
Jack *no reply*