Circus Mission
15 years & 8 days ago
3rd Jan 2010 13:45 This is a ROUGH estimate, meaning I round up to the closest 100 MP. This is really just to see if I make or lose MP doing this mission.
Level 1: -7,000 MP
Award: Clown Potato
Total: -7,000 MP
Level 2: -6,500 MP
Award: +100 MP
Total: -13,400
Level 3; -22,000 MP (asked for Hector Plushie, 16k)
Award: Clown Shirt
Total: -35,400 MP
Level 4: -9,000 MP
Award: +200 MP
Total: - 44,200 MP
Level 5: -10,500 MP (asked for Christmas Tree Plushie, 3.5k)
Award: +250 MP
Total: -54,400 MP
Level 6: -7,500 MP
Award: +500 MP
Total: -61,400 MP
Level 7: -25,400 MP (asked for Cucumber Pizza, 21k)
Award: + 600 MP
Total: - 86,200 MP