LE pets I have owned

15 years, 2 months & 16 days ago
19th Dec 2009 06:09Chimbels the furry chibs
iCole the 50 statted furry chibs
polonous the plushie quell
Sejin and Madoline the devil phanty
darkinian the nef daisy
a school snookle
Mystic the cc sindi
Mystican the punk sindi
Prolific the princess phanty
xPrincessAnna The princess phanty
Blazzing the fire quell
Slew the ice viotto
Madoline the devil phanty
Emben the firefairy ercuw
Cascata the leprechaun quell
Malibu the white mordo
SummerBlossom the Balloon chibs
Zucchinia the polar troit
Somial the halloween ercuw
Brieny the vampire tasi (selfmade)
Chimbells the midnight chibs (named after my first le chibs chimebls)
Arinya []
Chibs [X]
Daisy [X]
Dakota [X]
Ercuw [X]
Gizmo []
Huthiq []
Ike []
Kronk []
Lati [X]
Mordo [X]
Nino []
Oglue []
Phanty [X]
Poera []
Pucu []
Quell [X]
Rofling []
Rusty []
Sindi [X]
Snookle [X]
Tasi [X]
Troit [X]
Viotto [X]
Yuni [X]
Zoink [x]
Zoosh []