My Pets
15 years & 30 days ago
13th Dec 2009 19:23 I'm pretty broke, so when I get something awesome, I never let it go.
Here's a little blog on my pets past and present.
Don't ask for these pets!
Mrs.GIngersnap the Purple Mordo
It's purple... the name has 3 caps and it's a male. I won it through epic fail!
GreyEclipse the Midnight Chibs
I came back to marapets and found I had 15 credits... so I bought an upgrade package! Much to my shock, I found a midnight chibs potion in it! Huzzah!
Luciet the Eleka Fasoro
Never for sale, my account mascot.
I got her through the whirlpool and portal!
Ariysae the Angel Fasoro
The backwards reflection of Luciet, I love this pet.
Amingoo the Midnight Nino
I was trying to quest for a Yuni potion for darkshadow102 in order to get Amingoo as one of 3 LEs offered in trade, but darkshadow102 managed to trade for a Yuni with the other two pets before I could get the Yuni. Since I really wanted that Nino, she let me have him anyway.