Chellie <3 -- X-MAS 2010 plans = not to self
15 years & 21 days ago
7th Dec 2009 14:55 Yo guys ya mammas back lol only joking i wanted to try some rap
okey dokey pinniple chokey , lets gets starteds , i've been doin this 4 a while ! im completeing a temple as u all know
*Bows* so this has been very hard 4 me ta do !
PLANS FOR x-mas 2010! :
IM savin up after completein ma temple of DOOOOM
for prezzies for 210 christmas xx
And ive got 600000 in ma bank k so when i go to start buying prezzies i have enough cos im a super spender xx LOL
Commet or mail me what u would like for x-mas 2010 IM A LIL SANTA CLAUS GIRL