Christmas RAFFLE [huggee prize]
15 years & 26 days ago
1st Dec 2009 13:55 Hello my name is Ashley.
I've been a member at Marapets for about 3 years.
Please, when you have the time, to check my profile.
This year for Christmas I will be holding
my first rAffLe!
My goal is to get 50-100 or even more participants.
This will end January 1st.
To enter, you must first read this!
Then fill out the form below:
Amount of MP:
# of tickets:
Age of account:
Raffle tickets cost 100MP each!
you may buy AS MANY AS YOU LIKE!
Feel free to invite members to
buy some.
I will keep track of who has what and how many
on a document. I will put your names on little
pieces of paper (on how many you baught). Then
on January 1st I will drawing ONE from a bowl.
Prize: 3 of my pets
5 hair dyes
5 glowing eggs
2 dukka coins
*If there are TONS of people that join (which means
lots of mp) prizes may be added, or one big huge
prize like an LE potion, costume, ect. XD XD