{Rach} Pets I have owned.
15 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
22nd Nov 2009 12:14 These are pet's that I have owned.
Machabi the angel poera - Given away.
Tinkerbell_30 the red snookle - Traded.
xXxMeowxXx the ghost zoink - Given away.
Darrcie the green rusty - Traded.
Posing the green troit - Traded.
Xipill the elf mordo - Traded.
Topes the icefairy phanty - Traded.
Tristeful the trailer chibs - Traded.
Putzies the yellow ike - Traded.
Elmisha the orange arinya - Traded.
Polydoras the vampire yuni - Given away.
Grocetta the plant tasi - Traded.
Izibela the cc chibs - Traded.
Avarona the blue phanty - Given away.
Deeca the valentine lati - Traded.
Chamaine the sparkle zoosh - Traded.
Iselina the valentine arinya - Traded.
Qsr the burnt snookle - Traded.
Dragonlover4life9 gave me my snookle, Thank you!