15 years, 3 months & 16 days ago
1st Oct 2009 03:57 Spammers: A spammer is someone that posts just a single word in a post or posts something in a topic that is totally irrelevant to what is being discussed. They ruin topics by doing that, so therefore I dislike them.
Scammers: A scammer is someone who asks you for something, promising to give you something else in return but does not stay true to that promise. I hate that.
Chain Letters: A chain letter is a mail or post in a topic that tells you to do something and, if you do not, something bad will happen to you or someone you care for or whatever. But if you do what it says, something wonderful is supposed to happen. Chain letters do not work and are annoying, send me one and I will delete it and block you. I am sorry if that seems rude but I have not the time to read stupid chain letters. And chain letters that are posted in topics I consider as spam.
Black Mail: I consider black mail the same as scamming someone except it comes along with a threat, like threatening to hurt someone, damage your reputation, etc. Try black mailing me and I will block you and report you to staff as I consider black mail as harassment.
God-Modders: A god-modder is someone who pretty much controls what happens to your character in a role play. An example would be that the other person stabbed your character in a role play fight without allowing your character to dodge the attack. I will ask you to stop god-modding only once. If you continue, I will end the role play as it is not fun to role play when I am not allowed to control my own character.
Cruel People: I just hate cruel people, regardless of whether it is in real life or online. If you do something I do not like, I will ask you to stop only once. If you continue after that, I will end all conversation with you and may even block you depending on how bad the situation is and I may possibly report you for harassment but only if the cruelty is directed at me. This, however, only pertains to online activity. There is no way for me to know whether you are a cruel person in real life unless you tell me so yourself.
Bullies: I despise bullies, I have been bullied my entire life in real life and do not plan on taking it online as well. If you bully me, I will ask you to stop only once. If you continue after that, I will block you and report you to staff as I consider it as harassment.
Spiders: I hate spiders, even the non-poisonous ones. They just really creep me out.
A Few Other Things: Want to know what else I dislike? Maramail me and I will tell you if I can think of what else I dislike. There are other things but sometimes my brains tends to not want to think.
If you are none of the things that refer to people, then we could be great friends.