My big move
15 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
4th Sep 2009 10:59 I just moved in to a new house it is gourgus. This time i have a real house it is still in chocgio. But this has 9 bedrooms . my ketichen has a big island and we can eat at it!! It is sooo pretty.We are going to have a game room/ study room, justins and my room is so nice,weare going to have a indor batting cages. and a indor bolwing alley. We also have a guest room.Bradons room is baseball. Lillys room is going to be purple. Kendras room is goig to be a soft pink. Bridgets room is going to be a light yellow. We also a a indor pool. In the back yard we have a pool and a wating pool,a golf corse , a cooking bar, a dirt bike ground ( cause justins in to dirt biking), a skate bord ramp justin loves it ,and a trampoline.