Pet Profile Décor + Costume/Species/Name Goals
8 years & 19 days ago
24th Dec 2016 17:56 BlitzcrankMox is going to remain the transformation pet for operations portal daily xD
CassiopeiaMox is going to remain the same until a better Poera costume is released lol
FiddleStixMox will stay the same for now. Although if he stays the same species, I will probably change his name to KindredMox in the future
IllaoiMox shall keep the name IllaoiMox but change costumes once a nice ushunda costume is released.
JinxMox is in a temple grinding to become an Echlin and I will probably put her into a Polar Costume.
LuluMox shall remain a Christmas Tree Limax until christmas is over and I will then use the balloon costume on her.
MichaelMox is subject to change at any time.
MiseryMox is fine how she is.
MorganaMox will be changing names to Anivia in the future.
NasusMox will be turning into a Rofling once I finish the temple and I will rename him RammusMox.
TeemoMox remains the same
TristanaMox will stay the same for now until I find a pet suitable
VladimirMox stays the same until better costume released.
VolibearMox stays the same too.