my stories
15 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
11th Aug 2009 03:12 ok this all by me
There once was a leprechaun called Bibble. He lived in a large, spotty, red toadstool with all his family. They were lucky leprechauns but for some reason bibble could not get to grips of being lucky he tried all the methods to be lucky like rubbing a Buddha???s stomach and holding a butterfly. In the end he went to his mother
"Mum" he asked "why is it that am I not like you I don't think I'm lucky" his mother explained to him that he only became lucky when he was ten and just now he was only five bibble whooped and ran off to play tag with his friends.
chapter one: Ellis this is your life
Ellis woke up she had alot on her mind she opened her curtains then made her bed.She sat on the window ledge staring out at the trees and clouds i wish i was out there she thought. "
ELLIS" screamed a girl
Ellis ran down stairs two at a time
i need you to take these shorts to the dry cleaners
"you mean...go outside?"
"on it" Ellis cried
and ran out the house her arms full of clothes.Ellis found a narrow alleyway and dumped the clothes then her steady pace broke into a run and she ran into the woods.
Chapter two: On the run
Ellis was scared what she really wanted to do is run back home but she knew that now she had done what she had done she couldn't stop.She found a small corner of the woods where the moss grew thick and she fell asleep.She tossed and turned all night listening to the owls hooting eerily and the the rain pattering one the tree branches and bouncing off the street finally she fell asleep.
Chapter three:a new home