Red Rocket
15 years, 5 months & 12 days ago
17th Jul 2009 21:32 Have you ever watched your friend jerk off from outside their bedroom windows while pretending to be ivy just because you want them to climb you and climb you and CLIMB YOU AND MAKE ACTUAL PHYSICAL CONTACT WITH YOU? I've been doing this at your house for twenty years now; you lied to me. Online, you said you were eight inches, but you're really more like eight centimeters. That's right, d-i-c-k-wad; I saw everything. Oh, and you know that blonde that you f-u-c-k-ed last night? I've got the whole thing on camera, and I know that a certain red-head would be more than happy to see it.
By the by, your girlfriend knows how to suck it like a pro. I never knew you were into nymphos!
I sure am, babeh!
I saw you last night..........................or was that your father?