15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
13th Jul 2009 18:46 If these work Im glad these are
good and true of false.
If theses dont work then its the type of boy!
Thankyou for reading.
1. If you like a boy watch out for who it is.
2. If you are dateing a boy be care full
for what he says and does to you.
3. If the boy who likes you follows you tell
someone before talking to him.
4. If you are at a party make sure you dont drink to
much and go with a boy something may happen.
5.Dont go with a boy you dont know.
6.Never go with a boy that you parents arent sure about.
7.If a boy is makeing you do somethings dont do it
if its bad.
8.If your dateing a boy and you go some were make sure you know were your at or something may happen to you.
9.Never mess around with another boy when you with on.
10!! Date a boy who your really love and that cares for YOU!
If you Disagree with theses leave a coments and share your fellings. Thank YOU