what twilight character are you
15 years, 6 months & 21 days ago
24th Jun 2009 17:49 twilight quiz
what twilight character are you
1)If you were a vampire what gift would you want?
(A)mind reading
(C)mind control
(D)show people what you have seen
(E)science on vampire
(F)control moods around you
2)what is your favorite twilight character
(A)Isabella swan
Jasper cullens
(C)Edward cullens
(D)Renessmee cullens
(E)Esme cullens
(F)Alice cullens
3)what is the worst thing about being a vampire
(A)no matter what good you do you are always a monster
there is nothing wronge with being a vampire
(C)being tempted to give in your thirst
(D)phyisical pain of changing
(E)They're evil they never die they stink
(F)at first your an evil little monster
4)If you could choose if bella stays normal or immortal
what would you choose
(A)stay nomal
go immortal
5)what would you do if you coudn't be with the love of your life
(A)I would kill my self
I would trust to find them again
(C)It would rip a hole in my heart that would never mend
(D)Cry tell they came to me
(E)I would think it through be for i faught
(F)I would fight
5)what do you look for in a mate
(A)Someone who challenges and surprises me every day
Someone who is easy to talk to and get along with
(C)Someone beautiful and caring
(D)Someone who makes me laugh
(E)Someone intelligent and independent.
(F)Someone who i can never surprise but always surprise me
6)what is your favorite vehicle
(A)Volvo C30
Yellow porche
(C)1963 Chevy C10
(D)what evermy parents drive
(E)Black Mercedes S55
(F)I barrow my wifes
look what twilight character your most like
(A) Edward cullens
Alice cullens
(C) Isabella cullens
(D) Renessmee cullens
(E) Carlisle cullens
(F) Jasper cullens