How to earn MP's (Marapoints)
15 years, 6 months & 11 days ago
16th Jun 2009 12:34 ??? Heres the best one: restock. I once had 53 items in my inventory, now I have 7. Why? I put everything in my shop. If You have something in your shop priced at 0, and its not in shops, charge 500,000. Unless its a chibs potion. Go to trades for REALLY cool stuff.
??? Trading: Items that are worth more than 500k, you would want to go here. On the wish list, post some things you want for the item that are worth it. Some people may even over offer if they really want it.
??? Do Quests. The Almighty quests. Some may give you RP, BP, or MP. Some give you items. All you can get MP from. Im not sure what the 1MP to 1 BP / 1 RP ratio is, but I know its a lot.
??? Play Games! Play the Really,Really, easy ones! You are guaranteed at least 1,500 MP each time you play! Casino games and luck games are always good too.
??? Do mission like lepercaun! If the items are cheap do it if the item cost over 10,000mp then don't finish it. You get RP if you have finished the quest on time. You can sell your RP for MP. The ratio is usually 1:5(RP to MP)
For example, if your reward is 500RP you can sell it (go to the price check forum and make a board to sell it) you would get 500RP for 2,500 MP.