My screen name.
17 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
15th Aug 2007 16:39 It's come to my attention that people are miss reading my SN. I'd never noticed before, as to me it's perfectly innocent.
I've always been known as Hiho, it's been a nickname of mine since school. It's also a kind of play on words, I'm a massive ice hockey fan, and the team I support are the New York Rangers. So Hiho in a way is a clever word play on the Lone Ranger, well I thought it was clever lol.
The next part should now be obvious, N Y R = New York Rangers. It's nothing to do with anythig rude what so ever and I'm sorry if people are reading it wrong
The last part were my two favorite Players, Eric Lindros and Mark Messier.
So now I've explained that I hope it clears it up a bit