what??this is soo yag!!!plz read!!!
15 years, 7 months & 23 days ago
23rd May 2009 10:56 So we're not allowed to link to sites outside mara that have chat features, right?
And yet, there are ads ALL OVER MARAPETS that are absolutely NOT suitable for young children. If you're going to protect children, don't do a half-witted job. Do it right.
These ads NEED to be removed altogether:
- GaiaOnline
- World of Warcraft
- AdventureQuest
- eHarmony
- Zwinky
- WooMe
- Fantage
- Dream of Mirror Online
- bitefight
- dogs of the sea
- ikariam
Please comment on this blog. Raise awareness about the hypocracy that's surrounding you. It's all about making that extra 15 cents per ad click, isn't it? It's all about money? Nothing, absolutely nothing in the world is about the safety of the people anymore.