Okay, so I hope I win Jenalie because, well let's face it: Pixie Snookle's are adorable & go perfectly with Skater Snookle's. I saw a graphic someone made about the Avril Lavigne song called "Skater boy" and it included the Pixie & Skater Snookles. It was completely perfect & I've loved Pixie Snookles ever since. Of course, I would stat it and all that good stuff. I do that with all my pets, the only ones who are low on stats currently are Doctor Acula and Colouria. Although my dream pet is a Halloween Poera; a Pixie Snookle is definitly right up there next to it. A Poera is just more achievable for me because of the Tarquin missions and all the books some of my pets have. So, I'm uber excited to finally have a chance, however slim it may be, to get a Pixie Snookle of my own. Hopefully, Jenalie will continue to grow old in my care, at 406 days old she's still just a baby.
Well, good luck to all who apply before or after me.
This is an awesome oppurtunity and anyone should apply because there is not too many chances like this. Well, if your me, that is.