WARNING: People Starting Fights There Posts will Be Deleted.
Intelligence Please.
NO Saying TWILIGHT Pawns HP! Or Harry Potter Kills Twilight or anything Like That. NO Fights What so Ever. NO Caps.
If you Have a Reason Why Which is Better Go Ahead Post it. If you think a Different Series Is Better Post it. If you Dont Read Post it. If You Like Both Post It. If You'd Like to Say something Random about a Series Go Ahead.
My Choice:
Harry Potter. Why? Its Better Written for My Choice of Reading. It Kept Me intrested.
I like H.P. but I like Twilight i can read them all ova and ova agen but Twilight hasnt made Musicals and H.P. has search: Hary Poter Musical on You tube its "Toatally Awesome" (you'll understand once you have seen the musical)
114 years, 9 months & 26 days ago 2nd Mar 2010 22:32
115 years & 1 day ago 26th Dec 2009 16:55
I Like both Harry Potter and Twilight the same amount. Although the first twilight movie sucked, which we all know because it had a very low budget, the series all together is great and i think people are basing their opinion on the first movie. Harry Potter is amazing as well. I think both story lines are action packed. Twilight just focuses on one thing for a longer amount, rather than jumping from event to event like Harry Potter. The movies are equally great for different reasons. P.S. The actors in Twilight are hotter. :]
115 years & 28 days ago 29th Nov 2009 21:19
Harry Potter has a more action packed plot, and in Twilight, it takes one character 5 pages to say what they are thinking. That park bothered me, I just wanted the story to move on. Harry Potter has Draco Malfoy in it, too, so I rest my case =]
115 years & 29 days ago 27th Nov 2009 23:26
I love twilight and Harry Potter! But personally I think Harry Potter is better I can keep reading the series over and over again and not get bored. But with the Twilight series I just read my favorite parts over and over again but then it just gets boring. Harry Potter never gets boring for me!
115 years, 5 months & 13 days ago 15th Jul 2009 09:53
Harry Potter Al da way!
115 years, 6 months & 22 days ago 5th Jun 2009 21:41
I liked Twilight ok, but Harry Potter was so much better! Harry Potter has more/better plot and more developed characters. Percy Jackson and the Olympians is a pretty awesome series too.
115 years, 6 months & 28 days ago 30th May 2009 20:47
Harry Potter... obviously. It is not even a close competition.
115 years, 7 months & 22 days ago 6th May 2009 15:52
i do love Twighlight.. but harry potter is better
115 years, 7 months & 24 days ago 4th May 2009 19:06