Musical Instruments
15 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
11th Apr 2009 10:15 ive decided to let 1 pet learn all the instuments.....all i need now is to save up about 6 mil for the ones in millionaires
-edit.. i actually need nearly 40mil to complete the instruments....might be a loooong time before i save
-edit- Bobbeee has learned all of the instruments up level 10... Woohoo! 12/10/2015
-edit2- carol singing ruined everything...haha
Collecting instruments from carol singing at the moment.
I'm determined to beat the system...wish me luck
-edit- Bobbeee is now proficient in all of the instruments, up to level 10....except Romantic Guitar, I took a bit of a break and missed a Valentines Candy Tree quest special. It's taken me almost a year to catch up on the other instruments I missed during my break (17-09-2019)
-edit- Bobbeees musical proficiency now includes Band Camp, Halloween and Carol singing (2019)
-edit- All instruments now complete for Bobbeee......until the next event with instruments
-edit- All instruments now complete for Bobbeee... June summer event included (02-08-2021)...See you at Halloween