15 years, 9 months & 15 days ago
30th Mar 2009 15:10 My club is soon to be private. If you are looking to become a staff member, or just a regular club member, post here. Listed below are the staff requirements AND regular member requirements.
~Staff Requirements~
-Must be active (on at least twice a week)
-Must be experienced (you probably think i am inexperienced because I am a newbie, but my friend has showed me her Marapets account many times)
-Must be willing to participate in Club events (We used to have members who just joined to be in a club, and didn't participate in ANY contests. We asked them to leave)
-Must be an active, eager club member. (This means you are willing to donate, chat often, and help out.)
-Must be loyal (In other words- don't switch from club to club)
-Must be friendly with a lot of other club members
-Must follow rules
-Must ADVERTISE! (this means posting on forums to join our club and sending club invites to friends, etc. Must get at least a few people to join)
~Member Requirements~
-Must participate (This means you just have to chat fairly often, participate in at least a couple contests, and donate a little)
-Must be loyal
-Must be friendly with at least a few other members
-Must follow rules
-Must get at least a couple people to join our club
If I let you join, and you become a member/staff member and you DON"T fulfill these requirements, you will receive a warning. If it continues, you will be asked to leave and/or banned from the club. (But don't worry, we aren't TRYING to get you into trouble)
Thanks! Please post if interested! Or just post if you feel like it!