Fakey McFakerson
15 years, 9 months & 19 days ago
27th Mar 2009 17:38 Gotta love 'em. People that make up ridiculous stories and hope you believe them. I love it the best when it's obvious that they're lying. I prefer to just let it simmer until they slip up and then go for the prize. Not that I really care that much, it's mostly fun, albeit it can be rather annoying after a while.
People, when you fake, make it less obvious. You don't go out on a date with a person and go ZOMG!1!! I'm Angelina Jolie! When it's clear that you are not. I mean, you could say your name is Angelina while it's actually Elizabeth. Of course that would be lying but that's the entire point of this pointless blog.
In the end, I always enjoy myself immensely. So, yeah, thanks. Ms. Fakey McFakerson (yes I know your name is really "Neveah Prynsess McHeavynsparkles" but humor me here.)
Did I say thanks? Thanks, it was fun!
Your personal trolldar (of course taken with a pinch of salt, maybe
Ps. If you don't know what an internet troll is, look it up. Good info to have when you're online. Seriously, look it up, educate youself.